Monday, September 26, 2022

Confessions of an "extremist"

"But guess what? Name calling does not deter us. We will still talk the issues. We will defend valiantly, and vociferously, the cornerstones of our beliefs. Why? EVERYTHING depends on it. Now, and in the future."     

Might as well get it out there. I am an "extremist". How do I know? The left is painting me with that brush. Or, at times, I have been called a Grinch. What was mainstream 20 years ago, is anything but today. And why is that? Because the left has shifted so far to the manic side of socialism, even John F. Kennedy would be looked at as an "extremist" today. SMH.

Do you believe in God Almighty? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? The Resurrection? If you answered yes to these three questions, you are on the short list. "Religious extremists". The new god of socialism is government. Their holy place is Washington, DC. If you are a person of faith, you could be marked. Today, the trendy thing is to be a "none". No faith in God, or any other religion.

Do you believe in the sanctity of life? At any age, including in the womb? Just a few decades ago, if you asked someone that question, you would have received a quizzical look in return. Like, what kind of dumb question is that? Of course I believe in life. That is what most normal people do. No longer. Sorry. A baby with a heartbeat in the womb, is no different than a tumor these days. What is next? Maybe euthanasia. Or - maybe even Soylent Green.

Being an "extremist" today also means you question the social engineering in our government schools. Today's conservatives are VERY pro-learning. We believe in education over indoctrination. However, in many of today's government schools, our kids are treated as property - property of the state. If you don't like the garbage which is being shoved down your child's throat, just sit down and shut up. Failure to do so, might get you a visit from the FBI.

We (the "extremists"), also believe in sovereignty, freedom, liberty and so forth. Kind of like what is spelled out in those ancient and out of day documents called the DOI and Constitution. Today's left would not only like to re-write the Holy Bible (or just deep six it), but also all our Founding Documents. Why? Progressives can't see progress if we have these chains around our necks. Conservatives ("extremists") don't see it that way. We see our Founding Documents as being sacrosanct. They give us stability and meaning. 

With the mid-terms coming up, the left is no longer discussing issues. They have resorted to only name calling. Ultra-MAGA, deplorables, extremists, Hitlerite's, knuckle draggers, and so forth.

But guess what? Name calling does not deter us. We will still talk the issues. We will defend valiantly, and vociferously, the cornerstones of our beliefs. Why? EVERYTHING depends on it. Now, and in the future.     

1 comment:

  1. "[J]ust sit down and shut up. Failure to do so, might get you a visit from the FBI."

    There ain't enough of J. Marionette Brandon's *Gestapo* to suppress the majority.
