Tuesday, February 7, 2023

And what if it was an EMP?

"Tonight will be the State of the Union. Will it be total gas-lighting? Or will there be some truth talk? The American people are in no mood for any more BS. This incursion into our national airspace was serious - about as serious as serious can be."

Wow! The BS is flowing fast and furious right now! And besides BS, more questions than answers. Did we see the balloon, or did we not? Could be have taken it down earlier, or could we not? Was it a weather balloon (as China said), or was it not? Was it a spy balloon? Was this the first time, or was there three others when Trump was President? Questions, questions, questions.

But here is the biggest question. One which is only asked in whispers. What if this balloon was not a weather balloon, nor a spy balloon? What if it was something far more menacing? Like, some kind of EMP device. Wait - what? We allowed this thing to float all the way across our country, not knowing if this thing contained an EMP device? What if it had? What if it detonated or activated over Kansas?

Many about my age, who have been in the military and understand EMPs, bristle when the subject of and EMP comes up. Why? This has been around for decades. We have known about it. We have known what this would do to our grid. We have known how to harden our grid. And yet - we have done nothing. 

Most people either don't know, or don't care to know, how badly things would be should we have an EMP event. Most would not fare well. Especially those who live in large cities. Picture this. Everything in your house or apartment not working. No lights, no water, no heat, no food, no transportation, no medicine, no nothing. Just slow death.

Now it is too late. The horse is out of the barn. Our grid is frail, and should any of the world's bad guys hit us with an EMP device, it would be the end. Our only hope is to keep any EMP devices away from our shores. Then we get back to last week. With the mystery balloon coming into Alaska's airspace, then over Canada, and then all the way over CONUS. All the way to the Carolinas. It is only by the grace of God that balloon was not deadly to us.

If you ever want to get a blank stare, ask your representative what our plans are should we suffer an EMP attack. He or she will have no good answers. Not even bad answers. I would suggest that folks bunker up, but if we are without power for a year or more, bunkering would be of limited value. 

Tonight will be the State of the Union. Will it be total gas-lighting? Or will there be some truth talk? The American people are in no mood for any more BS. This incursion into our national airspace was serious - about as serious as serious can be.

So, talk to us POTUS. Really talk to us. Tell us the truth, because believe it or not, we CAN handle the truth.   



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