Thursday, February 9, 2023

Living life in fairy-vile and fable land

"Our government is a clown car. Plain and simple. Do we engender respect on the the world stage? Hardly. Our saving grace right now, is Putin is over committed in Ukraine, and Xi is still fighting covid in his own country." 

Okay. Can we stop talking about the "kiss" during the SOTU speech? I mean, come on folks! I am sure that Melania Trump did that to Mike Pence all the time. But all jesting aside, here is the unvarnished truth. That "kiss", was only part of the nuttiness of that evening. It was Joe Biden at his best (or worst). The story teller. The BS artist. The liar-in-chief. The true gas-lighter.

What did Biden talk about during the SOTU which was of importance to many of us? Not much. How about China? Not much. How about our porous southern border? Not much. Fentanyl? Not much. Unfettered crime in the cities? No much. The war on MAGA Republicans? Now we are talking! In the eyes and mind of this old man, the war on fellow Americans is much more important than the undeclared war we are fighting with China. And the war on black and brown people by cops and white supremacists? Oh my! 

So, what do we learn from Joe Biden? Think of taking a journey through the mind of Walter Middy. In Joe's mind, he grew up tough in the allies of Philly. He pounded Corn Pop into submission. He rode the Amtrac every day to his union job. He was raised by Puerto Ricans. He was an aviator (thus the glasses). A war hero (thus the salute). You name it, Joe has done it. He has vanquished evil all over this country. He is a man among men. Don't think so? Just ask him.

Our government is a clown car. Plain and simple. Do we engender respect on the the world stage? Hardly. Our saving grace right now, is Putin is over committed in Ukraine, and Xi is still fighting covid in his own country. Is Biden really that stupid? That naïve? That cunning? Or is he just an old man, whose time has come and gone? Can we survive the next two years? Will the Republicans be able to showcase someone, anyone, who the voters will favor in 2024? Right now, the bar is set very low after having Biden.

America the great. A country which has always oozed greatness, freedom and liberty. It is now fairy-vile and fable land. We need to "de-Biden" our country, and get back to our greatness. You know, like Make America Great Again? Oh, I long for those days...


1 comment:

  1. "Think of taking a journey through the mind of Walter Middy."

    I believe it was spelled "Mitty."
