Sunday, June 28, 2020

Hating America

"It is time folks. It is time to wake up to see what is really happening. This is not just a bunch of kids off on a joy ride. This is a planned event, funded by people like Soros, to crash our system."

I had a brilliant idea last week. I was motivated by listening to all the morons who were trying to wreck the country. Tear things down, deface things, occupy things. You know who I am talking about. Now, couple them with some of the recent immigrants from parts unknown, who can also give a rat's ass about this country. The benefits, the money - they love. Our faith, our way of life - they hate. Then my mind wandered back a few decades. When the Hippies were doing something similar. Hating the establishment. Hating on "The Man". Many citizens and patriots started putting bumper stickers on their cars and trucks. "America - Love it or Leave it". Time to dust those babies off. We need then now more than ever.

Who am I? Nobody special. Just a member of the silent majority, who has had it up to here with the lot of them. All over the world, there are people who live in shit hole countries, who would give anything to come here and live. And yet, we have this very loud and obnoxious minority of misfits who are trying to tear the great country down. Defund our cops. Rename everything. Erase our history. And politicians, who have balls the size of peanuts, are just allowing them to do it. Want Exhibit "A"? Jacob "Man Baby" Frey. Our answer to a modern day Nero.

If Biden somehow cheats his way into the White House in November, the inmates will not only be running the asylum, they will BE the asylum. Right now, we are a whisker away from losing this country so many have fought and died for. Losing it to a bunch of radicals and thugs. Losing it to those whose idea of Nirvana more closely resembles Dante's Inferno. And yet, most of the normal people in this country have no time for this BS. They are too busy trying to provide for their family during this COVID induced recession.

It is going to get worse folks. After they finish tearing down all our American icon statues, this Godless bunch is going after God himself. They want to tear down statues of Jesus. And why not? They have no time for our faith. The sooner Christianity is gone, the better. Then they can rule by Sharia Law, or maybe something worse. By the time the silent majority wakes up to what is going on, the misfits will be holding the levers of power. Life in America will devolve quickly from a representative democracy, to anarchy or totalitarianism. And when America is gone, the world will slip into a very, very dark place.

It is time folks. It is time to wake up to see what is really happening. This is not just a bunch of kids off on a joy ride. This is a planned event, funded by people like Soros, to crash our system. Why? America is an affront to the powerful. It may be a safe harbor to the powerless, but the powerful hate it. Our land of opportunity, equal opportunity, is about to come the land of no opportunity.

We did not pick this fight, but it will be ours to finish.


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