Saturday, June 6, 2020

Knee Jerking (again...)

"What is next? Undo the Second Amendment? Good luck with that one. People, people - years of knee jerk voting for lunatics have given us what we have now in city and state government." 

In the business world, there is a term for over-reacting (quickly and without too much thinking) to a situation. It is called a knee jerk reaction. Seasoned managers seldom do knee jerks. Rookie managers, as well as managers who don't think strategically, are known to act this way. Nothing good usually comes out of knee jerk reactions - except more knee jerk reactions trying to undo them.

The way much of the country has reacted to the sudden onset of the COVID - 19 virus demonstrates knee jerk in many states. It sure did in Minnesota. The knee jerk was to shut just about everything down, and have the citizens huddle in their basements. Meanwhile, our economy ground to a halt, and going to the grocery store to buy the barest of essentials, was iffy. Meanwhile, many red states which practiced common sense safety, and gave the virus a wide berth, kept on doing what they do, and life went on somewhat normal. 

But the knee jerk reaction to the virus was NOTHING compared to the knee jerk reaction to the death of George Floyd. First off, let me say this. What happened to George Floyd was terrible. I think so, and everyone I have talked to feels the same. There is simply no debate on that issue. However - the aftermath of his death is up for debate. The burning, the looting, the mayhem - that was bad enough. But the politics which have come, and which are yet to come - are way, way beyond the pale.

What do I mean? First off in DC. Painting a street for two blocks, in the heart of our capitol, which spells out in large letters, "Black Lives Matter". Why? It was a message to our President from the Mayor of DC. Like President Trump was the one who authorized the killing of George Floyd. Here is a news flash for the loony Mayor of DC. That is the nation's capitol. It is not your driveway, you can graffiti up with chalk. This President is NOT a racist. There is not a shred of evidence he ever has been. Before the flinch from came from COVID, people of color have never done so well economically. This graffiti on the streets of our nation's capitol needs to come off NOW! Your reaction Mayor, war totally knee jerk.

Then there is the call to disband the police. Get rid of them. Replace them with community organizers. Normally, a suggestion like this would have been laughed at, or put on Babylon Bee for sarcasm. Unfortunately, because we have let the infestation of socialists get so deep in many city governments (hello, Minneapolis), goofball City Councils might actually get this passed. No more cops in cities which are already crime ridden. Can't wait to see the stats in Chicago it they also get rid of their cops. What is dystopia like? We will soon find out.

Another goofy knee jerk idea was to disarm the National Guard. What? The National Guard is part of the armed forces. Get that? Armed? Do the kooks want the National Guard to go around handing out flowers to law breakers? Good flipping grief people - wake up! Our nation is on the verge of total lawlessness and anarchy right now. And we want to get rid of cops and disarm the National Guard? This is enough to make Canada look normal!

What is next? Undo the Second Amendment? Good luck with that one. People, people - years of knee jerk voting for lunatics have given us what we have now in city and state government. It has given us Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. If we are not careful, it will also give us Joe Biden. Remember that in November. No knee jerking voting this time. Vote for sanity. Vote for the adults.   

1 comment:

  1. "What happened to George Floyd was terrible. I think so, and everyone I have talked to feels the same. There is simply no debate on that issue."

    True--so all this hysteria amounts to superfluously preaching to the choir! If BLM wants to accomplish something heroic, it should dismiss that other mob, the Antifactoids. They're worse than useless!

    "Then there is the call to disband the police. Get rid of them. Replace them with community organizers."

    If that happens, I'm never going to Minneapolis again--not without my own army!

    "What is next? Undo the Second Amendment? Good luck with that one."

    That would require action from a majority of states. AFAIK no amendment in the Bill of Rights has ever been repealed.
