Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Something evil this way has come...

"The riots which happened post Memorial Day should be a wake up call to us all. The calls to disband our police forces should be met with the strongest of all opposition." 

Yesterday, there was a YouTube video circulating about with some very interesting facts contained therein. Facts about how all this rioting which happened (nationwide), did so at the drop of a hat once George Floyd was killed on Memorial Day. I watched the entire video (about 20 minutes long) and was stunned once it was over. I immediately put it on my wall for others to see. Then YouTube decided the truth on this subject did not need to get out. So they pulled it. 

This video was not for "conspiracy buffs" - it was for everyone who gives a damn about this great country. It was about how these riots were all well planned and staged. In other words, gasoline and accelerant had been spread around many different areas. All there was missing was a spark. And the spark could have come from anywhere. Unfortunately, it came from Minneapolis when George Floyd was killed. 

Now, there are those who will scoff at the idea that sinister forces are at work in our own country. Trust me, they are. There are groups of people, from many different backgrounds and areas, who would like to see out current form of government crash and burn. Then replace it with a communist or socialist utopia. Some even want anarchy. Wait a minute Bird! Are you not talking about sedition? That is exactly what I am talking about. It is happening right under our noses. At our colleges and universities. In our deep blue cities. Believe it or not, right on Capitol Hill.

By the way, part of the strategy to change our government is to get rid of the police forces. Sound familiar right now? Keep the citizenry from arming themselves (dilute or eliminate the Second Amendment), and then get rid of the cops. Once that happens, the next riot which takes place could be the game changer. Especially if the socialists in Congress keep the President from deploying troops to restore order. 

This is a time when all citizens and patriots need to sit up and take notice. This is NOT a time to blow this stuff off as histrionics or fantasy. This evil which has permeated our land is not new to us. It has been around since the 1960's - maybe even earlier. It has been incremental, so many have not noticed it. It has been like the "boiling frogs" example. That is, until now. 

The riots which happened post Memorial Day should be a wake up call to us all. The calls to disband our police forces should be met with the strongest of all opposition. It has been said by many a pundit that this coming election in November, will be the most important in our history. I believe it will be. Why? If the election goes the other way, it could be the end of our history. Then the evil in our country will rule the day.    

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