Monday, June 15, 2020

The aftermath in Minneapolis

"COVID, riots, inept government. Welcome to the summer of 2020 in Minneapolis. If you are looking for great place to vacation in Minnesota this summer, there are many of them. Minneapolis is not one of them."

It is coming up on a month soon, since the unfortunate event happened outside of Cup Foods in South Minneapolis. Did it change the world? Probably not. Did it change Minneapolis? Absolutely. Will Minneapolis ever be the same again. Maybe - but not in many of our lifetimes. The burned out mess around Cedar and Lake will be a testament to how lawlessness can trump lawfulness, when the local police are told to stand down. And Minneapolis is just a whisker away right now, from becoming a town without cops.

How did we get here? How did we get to such a place that Antifa, with all their cruelty and mischief, garners more respect in South Minneapolis than the police do? Are some cops in Minneapolis racists? Maybe. I suspect the majority however, are not. But that does not matter now. One bad cop, for reasons which may never become known, killed a black man by kneeling on his neck for over eight minutes. And that was the straw which broke the camel's back with city leaders. All cops bad. All cops got to go.

It is reported in the press that seven cops in Minneapolis have resigned since the George Floyd incident. Some say there will be more. For a city who is woefully short on the cops needed to maintain any semblance of peace in a city like Minneapolis, losing four due to termination, and then seven more due to resignations or retirement, is a punch in the gut. Actually, I am surprised that more have not gone. Being painted as pariahs every day in the press, coupled with zero support from the City Council, is enough to test even the strongest of hearts. There are too many places in this country where law enforcement are still loved and revered. It is just not in big, blue, socialist cities. 

Right before our eyes, Minneapolis is being hollowed out. Some of the great and proud neighborhoods in Minneapolis that I enjoyed as a kid, are now crime ridden, lawless, dumps. People with money, who are still stuck in the city, are now looking at options to leave. The bad news? That train has left the station. The optimal time to leave has long since gone. But staying is not a good option either. A town run by socialists, Antifa, and BLM - is truly a town without pity.

There is an old saying that in the land of the blind, the one eyed king can rule. Well Minneapolis, your one eyed king is Jacob Frey. He is inept and bumbling. He is an overgrown kid. But - in Minneapolis, he is better than most. Scary thought. So, we have a burned out city, becoming more hollowed out every week, run by a village idiot. We have come a long, long way since the glory days of the City of Lakes. Now it is nothing more than a dark and foreboding, nest of loons.

COVID, riots, inept government. Welcome to the summer of 2020 in Minneapolis. If you are looking for great place to vacation in Minnesota this summer, there are many of them. Minneapolis however, is not one of them. Minneapolis does stand for one thing however. What decades of stupid leadership by clueless socialists and progressives will lead to. Sad. Very, very sad indeed.   

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