Sunday, June 21, 2020

The test in Tulsa

"My question is this - love him or hate him, we all know Donald Trump is the better man, six ways from Sunday. Who in the world could vote for a confused idiot like Joe Biden over Donald Trump?"

Last night, the campaign really kicked off in earnest. The President went down to Tulsa to rev up the crowd. And that he did. In fact, there will probably not be any argument on this point. Very few Presidents from our history can work a crowd better. Why is that? This real estate guy from New York, who became a billionaire, never talks down to the crowd. He is one of them. He is "Every-man". The crowd feeds off of him, and the President feeds off of the crowd. It is a perfect symbiotic relationship.

He called out all who needed to be called out. "Sleepy Joe" Biden, and his lack of vision for America. The Democrats, who have turned into nothing but obstructionists. And of course, the pansies and pussies who have allowed their cities to become either trashed or occupied by the anarchists and socialists. 

My favorite part of the night however, is when he worked over the press corps, once again. This time it involved the misreporting on how he had developed a disease such as Parkinson's. Why did they assume that? The President explained at the West Point graduation, he wanted to salute each and every one of the graduates. That would be about 600. He also had the wrong kind of shoes on for the ramp leading up to the dignitary stands. So when we was walking down once it was over, he took some halting steps, just so his shoes would not slip on the ramp.

Then came the water issue. "The President struggled to drink out of a water glass". Crap, said Trump. His hands were shaky from 600 salutes in the hot sun. With that, someone had put a glass of water on the podium. He then took it, drank from it twice (no shaking), and then tossed the rest of the water (with glass) off the stage. The crowd went wild. Like I said, Donald Trump can work a crowd.

One do better, however. Seems some pranksters from the other side got a bunch of seats reserved for no shows. So for the first time in forever, Donald Trump was in front of a venue which was not full. Rest assured, that will not happen again. President Trump is not the type to sucked into the same practical joke twice.

One final thing about last night. No masks. Oh, I am sure there were some, but if there were, they were few and far between. No social distancing, no masks. Hopefully, there were no "super spreaders" in the auditorium. Why? Neither Trump or Pence had masks on either. In any event, it was good to see things look "normal" again.

By the way, some of the "polls" show "Sleepy Joe" up as much as 14 points right now. My question is this - love him or hate him, we all know Donald Trump is the better man, six ways from Sunday. Who in the world could vote for a confused idiot like Joe Biden over Donald Trump? My conclusion - only those who don't care about America. Like the President has said - if Biden gets elected, the rest of America will start looking like Minneapolis. God help us. 


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