Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Making the 40% Club

"In any event, my goal is to become smarter on this stuff every week. I want very much for my wife, myself, my family, my friends, to make the 40% club. That is it. I will try to stay informed, and stay prepared." 

I know that many of my chums think this COVID - 19 BS is just that - BS. However, many doctors, some of whom I respect, say we should not to take this thing too lightly. In fact. Dr. Michael Osterholm from the University of Minnesota (who has a worldwide reputation for knowing about viruses), said right now, this virus has only infected about 5% of our population. His words - "This virus is not going anywhere. And without a viable vaccine, before this virus is done with us, where we can develop a herd immunity, 60% of us will become infected."

Let's assume just for a minute that Osterholm is correct. That because the way this virus spreads, it is going to be a different animal than other viruses, such as SARS and MERS. I have not talked to one person who is interested in becoming infected with this disease. In other words, our main objective right now is staying out of the 60% group, and becoming a member of the "40% club".

In this state, the curves are finally starting to flatten out. Other states, not so much. Maybe in Minnesota, COVID - 19 is going to take the summer off a bit. Still be active, but not like earlier in the spring. If that is the case, and if predictions are correct that COVID - 19 is going to re-visit late this fall along with the common flu, how can we better prepare ourselves? Some thoughts:
  • Immunity - The best way to ensure our immunity is the best it can be, is with a good diet and supplements. Most nutritionists say that Vitamin "C" is a must. Also zinc, Elderberry, Vitamin "D3" and so forth.
  • Smoking - If you still smoke, and would like to quit, this might be a good time to do it. Since COVID attacks your lungs, smoking is not a good plan.
  • Ultraviolet lights - Good thing to have around. Good thing to take with you when you travel. Viruses don't do well in UV light.
  • Cleaning - Light cleaning might need to be replaced with deep cleaning. Bathrooms, kitchens, doorknobs and railings. 
  • Hand Washing - the 20 second hand wash is a good idea (we learned that on cruise lines), virus or no virus.
  • Hand Sanitizer - great idea to carry some with at all times. It is back in the stores now, and it is not expensive. Use liberally.
  • Pray - always a good idea to pray for safety and protection - for everyone. 
Other things also might make sense. Don't shake hands. Stay away from large indoor crowds. Keep your hands away from your face. If a store requires you to wear a mask, and you don't believe in masks, just leave. Or suck it up, and put on a mask. My feeling is come fall, more and more places will require masks. Please - no mail on how bad they might be for you. I understand. When I have to wear a mask to shop, I am in and out in a flash.

In any event, my goal is to become smarter on this stuff every week. I want very much for my wife, myself, my family, my friends, to make the 40% club. That is it. I will try to stay informed, and stay prepared. 


1 comment:

  1. Latest science says that the death rate is about 0.2%, concentrated in the old and infirm, and about the same as the seasonal flu. And I remind you we have a vaccine for the flu! Also, this thing is seasonal, and science says that herd immunity in "heterogeneous populations" (which is the reality), can be conferred with as few as 10% infected.

    Yes, don't take unnecessary chances with your health, but don't let government busybodies panic you into avoiding risks that might reasonably be acceptable. For example, if I am required to wear a mask there, I don't go there.
