Sunday, June 28, 2020

And about that Green Line Extension...

"What does this portend for the Green Line Extension as well as the rest of these losers on rails? They will sit as monuments to the stupidity of reckless government spending."

As we crossed from South Dakota into Minnesota on Friday, both my wife and I immediately noticed how crappy I-90 became. I told my wife it is hard to believe when our gas taxes are so much higher than South Dakota's, how so many of our roads need repair or upgrading. She asked why that is - I told her trains and bike trails. That this state (Minnesota) is so STUPID, they peel away much needed dollars to go into choo-choo trains which very few ride.

That brief conversation gave me pause to think. We have not heard "boo" for a long time about our newest boondoggle - the SWLRT, also known as the Green Line Extension. It seems (once again), Minnesota taxpayers got stuck with a lemon. Putting COVID, the business downturn, and the social unrest aside, the projected ridership on the SWLRT has always been suspect. Now, in our current environment, ridership on all the choo-choo trains is down 80%. That is, except for the Northstar, which is down almost 100%.

Let's be truth tellers. Many LRT stops had become magnets for thuggery. Fact. Taking the train, especially after dark, took a large amount of courage. Now, taking the train, with the sanitary conditions going from atrocious to worse, is also high risk. The Met Council said they clean the trains every night, but we all know the Met Council is often at odds with the truth (aka lying scum bags).

COVID has changed our world, Changed the way we do business. More and more folks are now working from home. Many will stay there. Fewer and fewer people want to venture into downtown. Once the police become de-funded by the City Council, downtown will look more like a ghost town, than the city Mary Tyler Moore fell in love with. 

What does this portend for the Green Line Extension as well as the rest of these losers on rails? They will sit as monuments to the stupidity of reckless government spending. Only these monuments will not be torn down by the wacky left. Instead, they will be worshiped by the progressive clueless as to what could have been. Meanwhile, the rest of us got stuck paying for these pigs in a poke. At lease we will not have to pay for operating costs. They will all become literally - the trains to nowhere.

It is funny. The logo for the SWLRT is "green means go". I think they forgot a word at the end. Like "away". That is exactly what is going to happen to this money trap. It will go away - that is, everything except the sunk cost. Well played Met Council. Now you people can also go away.  


1 comment:

  1. My guess is that they will continue to operate, mostly empty. Even now, for every dollar paid by a rider, the taxpayers kick in $7. Why would traffic dictate the level of operations, so long as operations are a cash cow for the MTA? They get paid about the same whether anybody rides or not.
