Saturday, June 20, 2020

A deep secret which needs to be told

"How much crime do I want in our big cities? Zero. No white on black, no black on white, no white on white, and no black on black. Is that to much to ask? For humans to treat other humans as humans instead of targets?"

Right now, our country is being torn apart by racial strife. As we know by now, the spark which lit the fire was the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis. Whenever a black person is killed by a white cop under murky circumstances, all hell seems to break loose. And yet, there is usually two sides to every story. Even with George Floyd, where the camera was on the incident the entire time, there is more to this story. We will hear about it during the trial. Or the black man who was killed after he stole a cop's taser and then pointed it at him. Much more to that story also.

But here is the story which is seldom told. In fact, to many it is a deep secret. The other day, someone posted a video of the Chief (sorry, I am not suppose to use that word anymore) of Police in Milwaukee. He was getting questioned about some incident where his cops might have used too much force on somebody in the community. He was asked why he was not there, where the incident took place. Then the Chief exploded. He said he was on the phone with one of his officers who was with a young child who had just been shot in the head.

Then he really exploded. "80% of all black homicides are due to young black men causing them. Same with 80% of many of the other crimes." After seeing that, I did some digging. Here are the facts. Nationwide in 2017 and 2018, about 200 black people were shot by police (all races) each of those two years. This is according to Statista. Unknown how many who were shot were innocent or not. The stats for white people for the same period are about twice as high. Yes, more white people are killed by cops than black people. Here is the real kicker. According to the Daily Wire, even though 200 black people where shot by police in 2017, 6,000 blacks were killed by other blacks. In other words, 93% of all homicide in the black community is black on black crime. 

Why bring this up? Am I trying to justify unwarranted killing of a black person by a cop? Absolutely not! But we need some perspective here. In Chicago, over 200 of the homicides this year have been black on black. What does the media say about this? Crickets. BLM? Again, crickets. Democrats? Mayor Lightfoot? Once again, crickets. But have a cop involved in the death of George Floyd, then all of the sudden, the town is on fire. 

How much crime do I want in our big cities? Zero. No white on black, no black on white, no white on white, and no black on black. Is that to much to ask? For humans to treat other humans as humans instead of targets? The vast majority of cops are good people. Good servants of the community. Some are not, but the system is suppose to take care of that issue. 

Do black lives matter? Absolutely. Do white lives matter? Ditto. Brown lives? Again ditto. Blue lives? Yes. Until we can agree on that one simple concept, that ALL lives matter, we will continue to live in the goo. We will be at each other's throats, and buildings will burn. All crime is bad. Period. Now let's heal and move forward. 

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