"But (in my humble opinion), Donald Trump has done something far greater than the important items I just mentioned. He has awoken the American spirit within citizens and patriots. I have never seen as much zeal for this great country! Not even during the Ronald Reagan era."
Hey Joe! Since your lap dog media won't call you out, I will. You are worse than a dog faced pony soldier (whatever that is). You are as phony as a three dollar bill. No - I take that back. Three dollar bills are collector items. You are worse. You are a crook, a user, a grifter, and a liar. Sorry Joe - the truth hurts. And one more thing. If enough lemmings are cowed into voting for you, and you become our next President - it will be in name only. Half the country will NEVER recognize you as legitimate. Never.
Some of your supporters talk about your "famous Irish temper". Saw it yesterday when you called some Trump supporters "ugly". What is wrong with you man? You say if you win, you want to be President of all the people, even the ones who did not vote for you. That is the biggest lie you have told to date. You and your ilk can't stand patriots, Christians and pro-life supporters. You can't stand gun owners. You can't stand people who have made their money the old fashioned way - earning it through hard work. To you and your family, money comes via influence peddling and graft. Period.
No Joe, since you have hung around so long, sucking off the government teat, we have your number. We know who you are and what you are. And we don't like what we see. On the news this morning is was reported that 40% of the folks who voted for you, only did it to vote against Trump. Think about that Joe. If the Democrats ran Bozo the Clown instead of you, 40% of the vote would still have been against Trump.
I see even the California Madam (aka, you running mate) was on the trail yesterday, spewing that same crap about raising taxes. That age old Democrat lie will still work on some of the minions, as they will believe only the rich will get hit. They will soon find out they were duped - again. The "President of all the people", will end up taxing all the people. That is, except the illegals. They will get a free ride from the new Panderer in Chief. Meanwhile, the working class, middle income folks, will take it in the shorts (again).
There is nothing Slo Joe can do if he becomes President to change his legacy. It has already been written. On the other hand, win, lose or draw, Donald Trump has a legacy which deserves to be etched in stone in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Under President Trump, he has saved our judicial system from become totally corrupt by appointing almost 200 lower court judges, as well as three conservative Supreme Court Jurists. He has ripped up age old trade deals (which made us look like patsies), and replaced them with fair trade agreements. He has rebuilt our military, to ensure peace. And speaking of peace, he is the first President in decades which has not dragged us into a new war.
But (in my humble opinion), Donald Trump has done something far greater than the important items I just mentioned. He has awoken the American spirit within the citizens and patriots. I have never seen as much zeal for this great country! Not even during the Ronald Reagan era.
The Democrats are already worried about how to handle the "Trump people" once the election is over. "Here is the deal folks" (quoting Slo Joe) - if Donald Trump loses, he will leave the White House. Sadly, he will have to go away. But we will not go away. Donald Trump has awoken something in us which will not ever go away. And Slo Joe - we will be here, watching every move you make.