Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Surprise! It's October!

"Ever since we got the first whiff of this mega scandal earlier in the Trump Administration, I was reminded of the Sir Walter Scott famous quote - 'Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive.'"

Oh boy! This could be the long awaited October surprise! At long last, the President has declassified ALL the correspondence and personal notes going back to the now infamous Russia-gate. And from first blush, John Brennen's fingerprints are all over this thing. Thing? What thing? The "thing" is the conspiracy by the Clinton Team to spy on, and discredit the Trump campaign. And John Brennen is already spitting mad that his name has come out. But this could only be the beginning.

To make matters even more interesting, there is a presser by the DOJ today at 10am. Rumor has it, that FBI Director Wray will announce he is leaving. PLUS - maybe some of the tantalizing details of Russia-gate will be disclosed. 

Ever since we got the first whiff of this mega scandal earlier in the Trump Administration, I was reminded of the Sir Walter Scott famous quote - "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive." As Obama's former pastor would say, "The chickens are coming home to roost". In other words, if Brennen knew, and Hillary knew, then Brennen's boss also knew. That would be Barrack Obama. And if Obama knew, his second in command probably also knew. That would be the man who wants to be king - Sleepy Joe Biden.

The Democrat Party, whose motto is, "you can win if you cheat", really stepped in it this time. They were too cute by half. Everything would have worked perfectly, if that darn old Donald Trump had not out worked Hillary during the last month of the campaign. Where she thought she could coast in to victory, Donald Trump took nothing for granted. He worked up until the clock struck midnight - and won! Suddenly, all the dirty tricks and underhanded crap the Clinton team did was in danger of being revealed. Now finally - it will be.

Okay America - this is what this all means to you. Russia-gate, which makes Watergate look like a Sunday School picnic, is populated by a long list of law breakers. People who should be doing the perp walk. And this long list of law breakers might just include Sleepy Joe Biden, and other people he would want in his administration. In other words, under Obama, we came very close to having a Banana Republic. With Biden as POTUS, we will.

This is going to be a very bumpy ride for the rest of October. It will be like going to the dentist for the first time in five years, and having your teeth cleaned. Names will be named. (Hopefully), some will be put in bracelets.

It is time for justice in America. It is time to clean house. It is time to drain the swamp. It is going to be messy, and the MSM will not stand for it. Don't believe a word the MSM says or prints. Listen for, and watch for the truth - it will be there. Just not in the MSM. 

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