Saturday, October 24, 2020

Dirty diapers

"With all the positives of early voting, here is a big negative. With the scandal brewing, one which dwarfs Watergate, up to 40% of all voters have already cast their ballots."

There is a certain stench in the air when a dirty diaper needs to be changed. Those who have had kids, grandkids, nieces or nephews know what I am talking about. But there is another stench which is far worse than a dirty diaper. I am talking about the stench of corruption. Corruption in the highest levels of our government. Not since the Clinton era, have I smelled corruption this bad. And here is the irony - the Biden family, as dysfunctional as it is, as corrupt as it is alleged to be, is still doing well in the national polls. Now riddle me this - how is that even possible?

My Congressman was on the radio yesterday. The discussion of Joe Biden and his family came up. When asked about the severity of these charges, my Congressman gave his opinion and then followed it up with a very interesting observation - why is there such a lack of interest on this matter by the Washington elite? That is the same question many of us patriots out here in the hinterland are wondering. In less than two weeks, we could be electing a guy who has a stench much worse than the Clinton's. And few in Washington seem to give a damn.

If half of what is alleged that Hunter Biden did is true, he might deserve some time in a super max. If half of what "The Big Guy" is true, he should have no part in our government. This rabbit hole is deep, and very filthy. And what is the bottom line if there is some truth down that rabbit hole, and we still elect Joe Biden? This would be the hottest of all messes imaginable. Or what we would say in the Navy, a first class shitstorm. 

With all the positives of early voting, here is a big negative. With the scandal brewing, one which dwarfs Watergate, up to 40% of all voters have already cast their ballots. Let that sink in for a minute. Biden could get elected only because he was five minutes ahead of the posse. And how are the 63,000,000 people who voted for Trump suppose to feel about this? That the man who almost single handedly saved the republic, is going to be replaced by a grifter with a son who makes the Deep Web look almost clean. 

Forget for a minute that Slo Joe has vowed to outlaw oil, keep abortion on demand up to the moment of birth, open our borders, give free healthcare to illegals, raise taxes on just about everyone, give free this and free that with abandon - he might have also sold his influence when he was a Senator and Vice President. That alone, will wreck the country for years, maybe forever.

Like I have said, because of early voting, this might already be over. All over but the shouting. Or the crying. If the truth be known, I have never cared for Joe Biden. Why? Even before I knew the diaper was dirty, I could smell the stench. It has always been there. Too slippery by half. And soon, some might have to call this very flawed man, Mr. President.   

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