Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Will it ever end?

"Here is the bottom line. Win, lose or draw on election night, the Trump supporters, the patriots, are not going anywhere. If anything, our numbers will grow. The stakes are too high."

Somebody once said we have lost our glue. What has held us together, is no longer there. At one time, fights settled differences. Once the fight was over, a shaking of the hands took place, and everyone moved on from there. Or elections. Once the election is over, the loser congratulated the winner, and the country moved on. Those days are long gone. We have now gone from the United States of America, to the "Untied" States of America. 

Reading the Drudge Report these days is as uplifting as reading the obits. I don't know that has happened to Drudge. At one time, the Drudge Report was my "go to " reading in the morning. Now it is as painful as watching MSNBC. Anyhow, as of late, Drudge has given Slo Joe about 100% chance of winning the White House. And today, there was an article in Drudge which gives over a 70% chance the Senate will flip. If Drudge is right, our government will be true blue, thru and thru.

Now, I don't believe for a minute all that rubbish is true. But just for the sake of discussion, what if it was? With the nation about split down the middle politically, does anyone think for a nanosecond, that conservatives are going to be satisfied with Democrats running rough shod over our Constitution with no checks or balances? Satisfied with the unborn being killed up to and including the moment of birth? Satisfied with a confiscatory gun policy instead of honoring the Second Amendment? Having tax rates go so high, they are almost in a low Earth orbit? Having lawlessness be the new norm in our large cities?

No. If there is a "blue wave" on November 3rd, there will also be a "red rip tide and undertow". The patriots and citizens will simply not allow this country to be ruined any further. For the past four years, Donald Trump taught us how to stand up to the Deep State. He taught us how deep and wide the swamp really was. He was the check and balance to hold things together. Our glue. There are tens of millions of us who saw Donald Trump for what he really was - not what the dishonest media portrayed him to be.

Here is the bottom line. Win, lose or draw on election night, the Trump supporters, the patriots, are not going anywhere. If anything, our numbers will grow. The stakes are too high. The country is too important. Lord be willing and the creek don't rise, we will have Donald Trump for four more years. We will retain the Senate. Maybe even pull an inside straight and get the House back. 

Evil stalks our land. It is on display in a hard drive which is now in the hands of the FBI and the United States Senate. The is spiritual warfare. The stakes are high. In fact, they could not be higher.  

1 comment:

  1. Indeed. In a comic nod to some on the Left who've ranted about "resistance," we could--if necessary--show them what real resistance looks like!
