Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Two Amy's - One has class, one is an ass...

"Amy Klobuchar - I am so very glad your campaign fizzled. You are a bad Senator, and would make even a worse President. Amy Barrett - thank you for putting up with all this crap. You will make the Supreme Court even better."  

After yesterday, one thing became abundantly clear. This judge and professor, who President Donald Trump has nominated to be on the Supreme Court, is clearly a cut above the rest. And - this woman, Amy Comey Barrett, ran rings around the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee. In fact (not my words, but I wish they were), she made the Democrats "look small". 

It was like watching Mohmmad Ali during his heyday when he would "rope a dope" an opponent. Ali was so much better than many of his opponents, quite often the fight looked like Ali was just "playing with them". That is how Judge Barrett looked when she was fielding questions from the Democrats. Yes, she was that much smarter, and classier.

I was trying to figure out which Democrat Senator looked the most foolish. Tough call. Our own hotdish queen is certainly in the running. She gave a great performance - an acting performance that is. Quivering voice, pictures of constituents on tag board, sob stories. And the best part - talking down to this most qualified woman. Hotdish Amy, acted like - well, an ass. Seeing her interact with Judge Barrett, was like watching a petulant child (Klobuchar), back talk to a very wise adult (Barrett). 

The "rope a dope" lasted most of the day. Not only did Judge Barrett sit there calm, cool and collected, so did six of her children! They sat and listened, even to the insipid things which were said at times. Like what? Like when the self professed, smartest woman in the world (Senator Hirono), asked Judge Barrett if she ever raped anyone. Huh? Was this a question left over from the Kavanaugh hearings? I mean, COME ON MAN! 

Then when many of these super lifers in the Senate tried to trip Judge Barrett up by getting her to comment on cases or take positions, she invoked the "Ginsburg rule". Remember Justice Ginsburg? RBG? During her hearings, nobody questioned her on her Jewish faith. And even though EVERYONE knew she was very liberal, she was still confirmed 97 to 3. Anyhow, for a Democrat Senator to try and beat back the "Ginsburg rule", would have discredited the former justice whom many are now trying to canonize. 

It will be interesting to see if ANY Democrats in the Senate vote for Judge Barrett's confirmation. If the vote is strictly along party lines like Justice Kavanaugh's was, the Democrats have just set the bar at a new low for future confirmations. Like if there is a President Biden (or Harris), and there is an opening on the court - good luck getting any Republicans to vote for that pick(s). No, the days of getting numerous Republicans to vote for a Democrat nominee (like with Ginsburg (97-3), Sotomayor (68-31) and Kagan (63-37)) - are over. Now instead of civics, getting on the Supreme Court will be a blood sport.

Amy Klobuchar - I am so very glad your campaign fizzled. You are a bad Senator, and would make even a worse President. Amy Barrett - thank you for putting up with all this crap. You will make the Supreme Court even better.  


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