Monday, October 12, 2020

The Strib strikes again!!!

"These days, getting a non-endorsement from the Strib is like a badge of honor with the citizens and patriots."

Just when you thought it might be safe to go into the water, it is not. Our local newspaper is not yet finished with making a fool of itself. This time with another wacky endorsement. As us local types know, Tina Smith first came to Washington by a fluke. This former director of Minnesota's Planned Parenthood (yes, the baby killing factory), was appointed by then Governor Mark "Goofy" Dayton. He thought she would be an excellent replacement, after Crazy Al Franken had some alleged groping issues, and needed to resign. 

Now Smith is up for re-election. She is running on her record. I'm sorry - what exactly is her record, other than being a rubber stamp vote for Chucky Schumer? Bottom line - she is like Biden. In the Senate, neither Biden nor Smith have done spit. Oh she talks a good game through her cloth mask - but it is just sound and fury. Her real record however, is the one she amassed at Planned Parenthood. If we had a media worth anything, I bet there are gruesome tales to tell from that place! 

The man whom is challenging her, is well known to many in this state. I have met him (more than once), and I have a friend who knows him quite well. Jason Lewis is an intellectual giant. I know that sounds odd, but he really is. He is wicked smart, on a great many issues. But knowing our Constitution and system of government, is where he really shines. He can run circles around most who serve in Washington. Putting him up against Tina Smith is unfair to Tina. Yes, Jason is that much smarter. 

I listened to Jason when he was on the radio for many a year. He was entertaining, smart, and glib. His nickname was well deserved - "Mr. Right". But just like with Jeff Johnson, who was probably the most qualified man to run for Governor in a long, long time, the Strib snubbed Jason, just like they did Jeff. Why? The Strib loves DFL tools like Omar, Frey, Walz and Smith. They don't rock the boat. They are team players, for the establishment. Because of people like them, we have the state's largest city which is barely habitable, and sky high taxes for just about everyone who works. PLUS - they all support Slo Joe, who has promised to take our taxes even higher.

Right now, we have an excellent slate of candidates running for many important offices. Besides the re-election of President Donald Trump, we have Jim Hagedorn in CD 1, Tyler Kistner in CD 2, Kendall Qualls in CD 3, Lacy Johnson in CD 5, Tom Emmer in CD 6, Pete Stauber in CD 8, and Jason Lewis for US Senate. Electing or re-electing these fine folks would do quite a bit for our state. But most of these folks, the Strib can't stand. Why? They are iconoclasts. They will overturn the tables which exist in the Deep State. In other words, they will get stuff done.

These days, getting a non-endorsement from the Strib is like a badge of honor with the citizens and patriots. We know that our fine candidates which do NOT get endorsed by this fish wrap newspaper must be doing something right. November cannot come soon enough.     


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