Sunday, October 4, 2020

The MAGA Mystery

"Then at the Trump Tower in NYC, came a man, a builder, a businessman, a visionary who like Ronald Reagan, could feel the pulse of this nation, and articulate its passion. Make America Great Again (MAGA) became the rallying cry for the citizens and the patriots."

I have told this story before. Bono (the musician) was asked what he thought about America. He replied (with some paraphrasing), "America is more than a country - it is an idea. And now, that idea has been shared with the world." In other words, what America stands for, this great and grand experiment, is not just a place to live. It is how we live. America has transitioned from a location to a dream. A dream of a better way to live. Bono - you could have not been more correct.

Back in 1980, a former actor, a former Democrat, a former Governor of California, ran for President. Ronald Wilson Reagan was a game changer. He was able to feel the pulse of this great nation, and articulate that national heartbeat into a wonderful message. "It is morning again in America". After going through the dark days of Jimmy Carter and "stagflation" (with some malaise added in), citizens and patriots were ready for a change. And with President Reagan, we got the change we needed.

In 2016, the nation was again coming out of a troubling period of time. We had no leadership, and the President we had for eight long years, had us disrespecting our military, our police forces, and even ourselves. It seems we were traveling all over the world to apologize for just being us. The "shining city on the hill" that President Reagan always talked about, was replaced with something dark and far less desirable.

Then at the Trump Tower in NYC, came a man, a builder, a businessman, a visionary who, like Ronald Reagan, could feel the pulse of this nation. And he could articulate it. Make America Great Again (MAGA) became the rallying cry for the citizens and the patriots from coast to coast. Donald Trump was a leader like this nation had not seen since Ronald Reagan. He was not the same as President Reagan - Donald Trump was different. But both were charismatic. Both were leaders. And both brought this nation to new heights.

Right now, President Trump is at Walter Reed recovering from Covid - 19. The good people of this land, are praying for a quick and complete recovery for our President. But here is the fact. MAGA, is like how Bono described America. MAGA is an idea. And idea which has now been shared with the world. President Trump has said many times (in explaining MAGA). He wants every citizen of every country to feel the same way. Make their country great again. Long after President Trump leaves office, MAGA will still be here. The people who believe in MAGA will still be here.

The part I find almost amusing is when I hear some on the left say, "If we could only get rid of Trump, things could go back to the way they were." No they won't. Just like how Ronald Reagan changed this country in the 1980's, Donald Trump has changed this country during these past four years. 

Every day, we are grateful to God for this great nation. We continue to ask for His blessings and favor. We are grateful for the Godly leaders this nation has had in the past. Today, we are very grateful for Donald John Trump.

Lord God - heal our land, heal our leader, and heal our people. Grant us the wisdom to turn towards You Lord, and not away from You. This we pray in Jesus most Holy Name. Amen.  

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