Thursday, February 24, 2022

A fool's errand

"But - we don't have a strong President. We have Biden. Remember him? The guy who thinks our biggest existential threat is 'global warming'. And 'White Supremacists'. The Russians? Biden never considered them."

Okay. I know I will not be the only one to say this. Putin is "off his nut". He is acting much more like a megalomaniac, than the head of state of a large country. Many (including myself) did not think he would pull the string on this one. Maybe a bit, but he would pull his forces back and head home. Mission accomplished. To go after the entire country of Ukraine, is nuts. Besides being a bloodbath, Putin is now a candidate to be tried at the Hague for war crimes. 

This morning, someone brought up the fact that Putin is also interested in getting Poland "back into the fold". Why? Putin thinks there are too many Catholics in Poland. As I reported earlier, Putin is very Russian Orthodox. So much so, it is blurring his vision towards other religions. But wait - Poland is a member of NATO. How is that going to work? Well, we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

Last night, I turned on the TV after midnight. Just to see if the world was still at peace. It was not. When I saw videos of the explosions going off in Kyiv, my thought was very simple. Putin has kicked over the hornet's nest. The bell has been rung, and he can't un-ring that bell. Putin has elevated himself from a tin horned dictator, to a certifiable nut case. To do what he has done, for the reasons he did it, someone would have to be "off his nut".

Oh, to have a strong President right now. Biden is so very ill equipped to handle this crisis. We need a President who can look Putin straight in the eye, and say, "Don't you ever threaten the United States again! If you want to play the "nuke card", we can play it too. And there are three countries in NATO who are in the nuclear club." Then Biden should tell Putin, if he goes after our electric grid, we will darken the entire Russian landscape - for years.

But - we don't have a strong President. We have Biden. Remember him? The guy who thinks our biggest existential threat is "global warming". And "White Supremacists". The Russians? Biden never considered them. That is, unless it was under the Trump Administration. Biden loved the fable that Trump was Putin's puppet. If we could only have Trump back right now...

What comes next? Unknown. As one retired general put it yesterday, these are uncharted waters. What can we do right now? Pray. Other than that, I am out of suggestions.  


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