Thursday, February 10, 2022

Like father, like son

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

Thomas Jefferson

As a proud American, I want to allow freedom loving Canadians to borrow one of our most treasured historical quotes. This quote is accredited to Thomas Jefferson - When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. Maybe it has taken the Canadian truckers to bring what is happening in Canada to light. Tyranny. The people under the jack boot of Justin Trudeau. Or, as some call him - Fidel's kid.

Seeing what is happening up in Canada right now, is a ray of hope for all of us. If the truth be known, I have always loved Canada. Love the country, and I have worked with some folks in the Canadian Forces when I was on active duty. Good people. Not too much different than us Yankees. That being said, there have at times I have been disappointed in how far left the Canadians were swinging. But this vax and mask mandate issue in Canada, might have been a tipping point. Kind of like our Boston Tea Party.

There is something about the Canadian leader which I have always found unsettling. Maybe it is in his genes, but he has always reminded me of a despot. Forgive me for saying this - maybe a bit like a Canadian version of the "Pajama Boy". Canada has elected some good leaders in the past, as well as some not so good. Maybe what Biden is doing to America, along with what Trudeau is doing to Canada, will lead to new generation of liberty minded leaders in the future. Both countries deserve that.

Rumors are floating around that we would like to follow Canada's lead with our truckers. Like, maybe a coast to coast event, starting in California, and ending up in Washington DC. Ending up in Washington on March 1st - the day of Slo Joe's SOTU address. Oh, if only that could happen! What a message that would send! What kind of a message? In the United States, as well as in Canada, we are CITIZENS, not SUBJECTS! We have a visceral distain for tyranny.

Thank you Canadian truckers, for showing us once again what firm resolve looks like. As was written in the song Me and Bobby McGee, "Freedom's just another word, for nothin' left to lose".  If we lose our freedom, we really do have nothing. Remember that Justin. Remember that Joe. You both work for us, not visa versa. And you will not rob us of our freedom!

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