Friday, February 4, 2022

Taxes, taxes, and still more taxes...

"However, in this country, it is NOT against the law to pay more than what you owe. I know, I know - who in their right mind would do that. Surprisingly, there are some who do. We have a relative who has in the past. A lefty relative."

Taxes. It is something many of us are thinking about right now. Some worried, some excited, some just give a resounding - "meh". Why bring this up? Today in the local fish wrap newspaper, there was an editorial by a lefty "do-gooder" named Steven Dornfeld. He is a retired journalist who would pen public policy articles for the Star and Tribune. What was the purpose of his article? Seniors in Minnesota DO NOT need a break on paying income taxes on their social security earnings. That money should go to (ready for this?) - generational "equity".

Get the picture? This uppity leftist, wants YOU AND I to forgo any tax exemption on our social security earnings. Even though many of us have not been feasting on the public teat like Dornfeld has. Some who are on social security, have just that and nothing else. For a variety of reasons.

With the price of gas up over a buck since Slo Joe took office, with natural gas going up, electricity going up, the price of food going up (we all get the picture) - seniors on only social security with little else, have no chance. But who cares? The generational "equity" that Dornfeld is talking about, trumps any discomfort or suffering a retired senior might have. Dornfeld is also concerned about the massive debt our country has - even though it is his party who really threw gas on that fire.

I don't know Dornfeld, I have never met him. Truthfully, I had never even heard of his until I read this morning op/ed section in the paper. That being said, what I am going to do right now, because I am a kindly old Bird, is educate Mr. Dornfeld. On taxes - since he appears to be a bit confused. So here it goes:

In this country, it is against the law to pay less than what the tax code states you owe. Those who do that, are taking a big chance. My wife and I always pay exactly what we owe, and a penny more. However, in this country, it is NOT against the law to pay more than what you owe. I know, I know - who in their right mind would do that. Surprisingly, there are some who do. We have a relative who has in the past. A lefty relative.

My tax advice to Mr. Dornfeld is simple. Pay what you owe sir, and not a penny more. However, if this generational "equity" is really gnawing at your gut, go ahead and pay more than what you owe. It is legal. In fact, you can empty out your savings, and sell your house. Take that money and send it to Washington and St. Paul. Every penny of it. It too, is legal. 

That being said, keep your big fat nose out of the business of other seniors. You sir, are a male "Karen". MYOB, if you can remember what that means. I am sick of paying taxes on my social security, and want it ended this year. The citizens have overpaid on their taxes, which means we have a big surplus. This is the year to end the state tax seniors pay on their social security. If that is too hard for liberals to understand, I would be happy to use my grandies crayons, and color a picture instead.   

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