Saturday, February 12, 2022

Prescription for disaster


"It is time for Putin to regain some of his sanity and start to withdraw away from the border. The world hates bullies, and have seen enough of them in the 20th century. Collectively, we can't further our humanity, when we have some, who insist on acting like sub-humans."

What in the world could be going through Putin's mind right now? He has over 100,000 troops either on the Russian border with the Ukraine, or playing war games in Belarus (right next door). And right next door to Belarus, is Poland - a member of NATO. We have recently sent 3,000 of our finest combat troops over to Poland, many from the 82nd Airborne. Get the picture? The people of the Ukraine, who have never done anything harsh or truculent towards Mother Russia, are now in the middle of Putin's bullseye.

The State Department has just ordered our embassy staff out of the Ukraine. The President has strongly urged any Americans to leave today or tomorrow. A "Hail Mary" phone call will take place this morning, between Putin and Biden. To discuss what? Please don't? Or what, Mr. Biden? What in the world can we do, other than slap Putin with more sanctions? Putin can retaliate by cyber attacks against us. Against our grid. Remember the cyber attack against meatpacker JBS? That might have just been a taste to what Russia could do to us.

There is one thing that Biden could do which would send shivers up Putin's spine. Go full bore "Trump" on him. Sign an executive order opening up EVERYTHING we have for drilling. Re-tool the Keystone Pipeline. Make us an energy exporter again. All we did when we unilaterally disarmed much of our excess energy production, was empower and enrich Putin. We can take that empowerment back, by simply restoring our energy prowess. Plus - that would lower our recent surge of inflation.

Here is the real sad part of a war with the Ukraine, as mentioned before. The good people of the Ukraine, and Russia, are joined at the hip. They look alike, talk alike, have have much mixed blood between them. Kind of like if the United States decided to invade Canada. Actually, an invasion of the Ukraine by Russia makes little to no sense. What would Russia gain, besides some chest thumping. Russia would immediately become the world's bad boy, trusted by nobody, except other bad guys (like China and the Norks).

A page of history could be written in the next two weeks. The kind of history which will be regrettable. The biggest fears by many strategists in our country, is this will develop into Russians and American soldiers exchanging gunfire. Should that happen, the fuse to something horrible could be very short. 

It is time for Putin to regain some of his sanity and start to withdraw away from the border. The world hates bullies, and have seen enough of them in the 20th century. Collectively, we can't further our humanity, when we have some, who insist on acting like sub-humans. Just saying...


1 comment:

  1. "There is one thing that Biden could do which would send shivers up Putin's spine. Go full bore "Trump" on him. Sign an executive order opening up EVERYTHING we have for drilling..."

    Makes too much sense--so of course J. Marionette Blowdown isn't likely to do it.
