Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Putin's Putsch?

"On this 'Two Tuesday', history is being made - and it is not good history. Good time to go fill your gas tanks up. With Biden taking away all our spare oil, we too, are at the mercy of the Russians."

I have said for a while now, that Putin reminds me of Adolph Hitler. After what happened yesterday, I am starting to wonder if Putin has been taken over by the spirit of Hitler. So why call this article Putin's Putsch? There was no beer hall, no charging of treason. What gives? It was precisely what happened in November of 1923, which gave wings to the Nazi Party. Even though the putsch was a failure, and Hitler was charged with treason, the time Hitler spent in prison, was fruitful in planning his next move(s). Then as we know, the rest is history. After prison, Hitler proceeded to set Europe, and almost the entire world, on fire.

Putin is an evil man. He really is a bad actor. But he has guts. And he can stare down most of the leaders in NATO - including Biden. What happened yesterday, was Putin addressing his nation (and the world), by saying in so many words, "I am taking some chunks of the Ukraine, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it." Because most of Europe has agreed to let Putin be their gas station attendant, he controls the nozzle and the price - and the price just went up.

Now to give the devil his dues. Yes, Putin is a very evil man. Some say he has been a stone cold killer in his past. Something straight out of a James Bond novel. But - he is also very smart, and very cunning. He is able to look over the chess board and read the tea leaves quickly. Our chess player is Joe Biden. But Joe does not know how to play chess. In fact, he struggles with checkers. And Putin knows that. Putin has played Biden like a fiddle. But here is the frosting on the cake for Putin. Many of the blunders that Biden has made, have been unforced errors. Putin did not have to do a dang thing, other than sit back and watch.

It has been rumored that this former KGB Agent has sent "kill lists" to his special forces, many of whom are already embedded (and hidden) in Ukraine. These lists, have "kill or capture" orders for the names of many people who have been a burr under the saddle of Putin. I know, I know. Some are now wondering why something like this is not against international law. Where Putin could or should be dragged in front of the Hague (should this rumor be found true.) But who would do it? Putin right now feels that he is "untouchable". And the United States? The great United States? With Joe Biden, we have become the late, great United States.

On this "two Tuesday", history is being made - and it is not good history. Good time to go fill your gas tanks up. With Biden taking away all our spare oil, we too, are at the mercy of the Russians. Will the entire continent of Europe erupt in flames as it did under Hitler? I sure hope not. But to me, Putin is much more dangerous than Hitler ever was.     

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