Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Chicom Olympics

"The United States did not boycott these games (big mistake), but we are doing a diplomatic boycott instead. I am somewhat okay with that, with one minor difference. I would have sent Biden and Harris over there. Have them tour the country. Visit the Uighurs." 

I watched a bit of the opening ceremony last night. Maybe a half hour or so. I could not take anymore of it. Usually my wife and I are glued to the winter games. Love the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony, and many of the games in-between. But this year is different. The host country is a totalitarian regime.

China (allegedly) puts a minority class in re-education camps. It (allegedly) harvests their organs from time to time. It (allegedly) commits genocide on that same class of people. And if that is not bad enough, it is subjugating the formerly free people of Hong Kong. It is threatening the free people of Taiwan. And last but not least, it gave us the Wuhan Flu, which has killed millions all over the world.

Why in the world did the IOC give China the Olympics, anyhow? Not only the winter games, but also the summer games. Some think the IOC was bought off by China. That could be. Chairman Xi, is very anxious to have a better face put forward for the world to see. The only problem is, that face has a couple of black eyes. China wants to use its Belt and Road Initiative to change the world. Connect the world for trade, with China being the kingpin. Meanwhile, it has broken the treaty it had with Hong Kong, and is getting ready to invade Taiwan.

When I was on active duty, I would study China - a lot. Back then, China was a backwards country with nuclear weapons, and a ruthless leader named Mao. They were bad rice back then, and have not changed much in the past 50 years. What about the people of China? Mostly good, except they accept bad leadership. The CCP of China is about as low as one can go.

I have heard from many folks who have zero interest in watching any of the games. I am in that camp. I would rather watch Bowling for Dollars, than to watch this corrupt country host faux games. 

The United States did not boycott these games (big mistake), but we are doing a diplomatic boycott instead. I am somewhat okay with that, with one minor difference. I would have sent Biden and Harris over there. Have them tour the country. Visit the Uighurs. I want Slo Joe and his gigglepuss sidekick to see where their policies are taking us. We are on the road to serfdom right now. Headed towards totalitarianism. 

Anyhow, the games have now started. Big whoop. In past years, watching Olympic games have made the dreadful month of February go by faster. Not this year. Just another Narnia winter.       

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