Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Elon - again...

"Why batteries? Who ever comes up with the next generation battery, the one which will be a total game changer, will have found the Golden Fleece. One of the people most interested in this venture? Elon Musk of course. The man who is shaping our future." 

If there were one person in this country I would love to clone right now, it would be Elon Musk. I have made it no secret in the past - I think this guy is a true "Captain of Industry", as well as a person of superb vision. While others are straining to look down the block, Musk is already looking miles down the road. And - he can walk and chew gum at the same time. He is juggling Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, and a few other ventures at the same time. He is literally changing the landscape right in front of our eyes.

I was watching another battery show on YouTube yesterday. Musk and his car company Tesla, were mentioned. Musk said something extraordinary. He said he engineered his Tesla car to go a million miles. The only limiting factor for his making this milestone - is the battery. The current lithium battery only lasts for 300,000 miles (at the longest). With the cost of batteries, once the Tesla's battery is shot, so is the rest of the car. Thus, as far as battery technology is concerned, Musk is all in.

Not to digress for a minute, but I think I know the reason Musk's "wheels upstairs" are turning right now. When it comes to batteries, I think Musk's interests go far beyond his car company. We are getting very close - much closer than I thought we would be at this point in time. Much closer in coming up with the next generation of batteries. Lighter, cleaner, cheaper, longer lasting, quicker charging - they will hit all the high notes that we will need going forward. Needed for newer and better products. For a guy with such as inventive mind, this will be a doorway for new frontiers. 

By the way, Musk is planning to colonize Mars, and it is like something out of a science fiction book. But Musk is taking the "fiction" out of science fiction. He plans to send dozens of his rockets to the red planet before 2030. Some with people, most with supplies. Of all the things he is working on right now, his fixation with Mars is the strongest. Many of his detractors and doubters at NASA, are now some of his biggest fans. Musk is no Walter Middy - he is a planner and a doer. A true game changer.

Back to batteries for a closing thought. In the movie The Graduate, when Dustin Hoffman was talking to some older gent about the future, the gent looked Hoffman in the eyes and said, "plastics". Like, that was going to be the future. I guess for 1968, it might have been. I dare say if that movie were made today, an older gent would look a young graduate in the eyes and say, "batteries". 

Why batteries? Who ever comes up with the next generation battery, the one which will be a total game changer, will have found the Golden Fleece. One of the people most interested in this venture? Elon Musk of course. The man who is shaping our future. 


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