Friday, June 24, 2022

Birth of a nation!

"This should not be political. It should have never been political. But it is. And that is unfortunate, as it is ripping this country apart."


One thing I have never found, is someone who is 50/50 on abortion. People either love it, or hate it. Not much turf between those two positions. Because of that, when Roe was overturned today, half the country went into toxic shock. The other half said a prayer of thanksgiving. But there is much more to this decision - if folks would take the time to stop, look, and listen.

Roe v. Wade was flawed law. Hey - not my words. Those are the words of RBG. Although very much pro-choice, she was not pro - Roe v. Wade. In fact, most legal scholars worth a salt and have a lick of honesty, would say the same thing. From day one, this should have been an Article 10 issue. It was NOT a right, as guaranteed to us by the Founders. The entire Constitution is silent on abortion. To take this out of federal law, and return it to the states, was the right thing to do.

Will this end the killing of the unborn? Not even close. My home state, Minnesota, will still practice abortion. Colorado will perform abortions up until birth - up until infanticide. "Woke" corporations like Amazon, have already told employees they will give them money to travel to states in which abortion is legal.

Many on the left, who think the judicial branch is only a part of their ideology, have promised "days of rage". What does that mean? First off, they feel betrayed. The courts usually always side with them, even when it may not make Constitutional sense. Next, they will take their revenge out on the cities. Like George Floyd, all over again. BURN IT DOWN! MAKE THEM BLEED! (Hint: might be a good idea to stay out of the downtowns for a while).

There will be some states which recognize life at conception. Other states, life begins at the "quickening". Still others, like Colorado, life is not life until the baby is out of the birth canal, and makes its first cry.

From a faith based position, I know where I stand. This should not be political. It should have never been political. But it is. And that is unfortunate, as it is ripping this country apart.



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