Saturday, June 4, 2022

Which of his miscues are worse?

"High crime in the cities, empty shelves, inflation, confusion at airports, container ships backed up at our ports, schools becoming failure zones, ubiquitous help wanted signs, unaffordable gas prices, and out of control border crossers. And whose fault is it?"

Thinking about how messed up things are right now. On the news yesterday, someone was asked which of Joe Biden's man-made calamities are worse. In other words, which is worse for the country. Is it the mess with our energy policy right now? I mean, gas went up again last night, for a new national average of $4.81/gal. Or is it the obscene number of people, who daily parade across our southern border? Both of these issues are causing grave damage to our country.

The person who was asked this question could not give an answer. Why? They are both so awful, it is hard to figure out which one is the worst. But what about us? The citizens, who are strapped in, and can't do anything to stop or reverse either one of these issues. We are like passengers on a jet, who is piloted by someone who has no idea of how to fly. 

Elon Musk is so worried about the near future, he is considering laying off 10% of his workforce at Tesla. Wait - Biden wants electric cars! What the what? Here is the bottom line. The transition from internal combustion to electric will not happen over night. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is worse than naïve.

Just yesterday on the local news, it was reported that some "gas price spooked" internal combustion car owners, went to a local hybrid car dealership to trade in their gas hogs. Guess what? The 12 hybrids this owner had, were gone in a heartbeat. And then anyone who wanted a hybrid was out of luck (at this dealer). Bottom line - we don't have enough electric cars (which are affordable), nor charging stations available, to handle an instant transition. By the end of the decade? Probably. Now? No way Jose'. Bottom line? We are screwed.

Rumor has it, there are tens of thousands of border crossers, just waiting in Mexico for the right opportunity to cross. Meanwhile, the current number or crossers continues to be staggering. They come in, get caught (or become "got aways"), given a cell phone, and told to keep in touch for a future court date. Some are clandestinely flown at night to cities all over the place. Some are bussed. All at our expense. None of these people have any plans on leaving. Few have any plans on "keeping in touch". How will this end? Heaven only knows. Meanwhile, the country is bulging with illegals, fentanyl, trafficking, and gangs. Well played Mr. President!

High crime in the cities, empty shelves, inflation, confusion at airports, container ships backed up at our ports, schools becoming failure zones, ubiquitous help wanted signs, tons of illegal drugs, unaffordable gas prices, and out of control border crossers. And whose fault is it? Biden says much of it is due to Trump. Or the pandemic. Or Putin. But none is due to him. Even his very odd new press secretary tells us Biden's programs are working fine. They are keeping a bad situation from getting worse. Oh, really?

Nobody, not even the most ardent conspiracy theorist, can believe how fast and how deep we have fallen in this short time. But not to Joe and his minions. He is buoyed about the latest jobs report. Of course, soon it will really be tough to get to work - unless you walk or bike. And much of the salaries in these new jobs, will be eaten up by our new found inflation. 

I guess it comes down to if the glass is half full or half empty. When Biden was asked that question, his answer was, "What glass?". I know Mr. President. We should have said sippy cup instead.  


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