Tuesday, June 7, 2022

No arrows left in his quiver...

"Can I quote what Obama, Biden's former boss, (allegedly) said about him? "Leave it to Biden to really f*** things up". Yes, that is our Brandon." 

Want to take a trip back down memory lane? How about a hint? Does the name Solyndra ring a bell? Solyndra was one of thirty six (36) different companies which went belly up during the Obama Administration. All to make us "greener". Many of these failed companies, were made flush with taxpayer money. And Solyndra was a whopper. This was the company which Obama and Biden really showcased to the nation. The one we dumped a half billion into before it went belly up. This happened when Biden was Veep under Obama. Guess what? Biden as President, might be wanted to do this all over again. Like deja vu, all over again?

Ready for this one? During this superstorm of almost hyper-inflation, when gasoline just hit $4.91/gal, Joe Biden is considering using the Defense Production Act (DPA), once again. Like for what? Insulation for houses. Huh? When people can't afford the gas to get to work, they want their houses insulated? What planet is this on?

It gets worse. He also wants to have solar panels as part of this DPA. Plus (you will love this one) - he wants to eliminate some Trump era tariffs on China. Like - tariffs on the solar panels the Chinese make. So much for the "Buy America Act". So much for "Make America Great Again". Was is this then? What is going through Biden's mind? It is called "No more arrows in the quiver" act. 

Can I quote what Obama, Biden's former boss, (allegedly) said about him? "Leave it to Biden to really f*** things up". Yes, that is our Brandon. Everything he has touched since taking office, has backfired. The guy who many dolts voted for, because he was the "adult in the room", has run the White House like Romper Room.

We are now a nation of cars without affordable gasoline, babies without enough formula, a nation without borders, an economy is tatters, and streets afire with unfettered crime. There is more, but you get the picture.

The thought I had the other day, might be a good illustration as to what is happening right now. Biden is like a little kid who dreams of driving a car. He has watched others drive cars for decades now, and it is something he has always wanted to do. One day, almost two years ago, some misguided people gave this little boy the keys to the car. So, he got behind the wheel and started to drive. The rest is history. The boy (Biden) wrecked the car, and everything it came in contact with. 

We need to get the keys away from Biden. We can start in 154 days when the voting happens for the midterm elections. We need to first take away Biden's cohorts in the House and Senate. Replace them with real adults. Then we can focus on 2024, by taking the car keys out of Biden's hands.  


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