Monday, June 13, 2022

Protect the Jurists!

"Here is the bottom line. Chuck Schumer threatened the Republican appointed jurists shortly after they were appointed. Why? Abortion." 

Today might be the day. In fact, "Ruth sent us", and some other nut ball organizations, are all set to try and shut down SCOTUS today. Workers of the world unite! Take it to the streets! Burn it all down! Yes, the mutts in WDC are ready to rock and roll. Why? Because there is a chance the feds will keep their mitts off of the abortion issue. That abortion, would be determined by the states instead (like it always should have been). I have never seen so many leftist misfits, so anxious to terminate the next generation - before they are even born.

After hearing Chris Coons (Democrat Senator from Connecticut), it appears we need to have two different sets of laws protecting our Supreme Court Justices. One for if you demonstrate outside a Republican appointed Jurist. That would met with a maximum of a $17 fine (maybe). The other, would be a law should you demonstrate outside a Democrat appointed Jurist. That would be punishable by the death penalty (or worse). 

The latest threat I heard on the news this morning, was some of these mutts wanted to go after Amy Coney Barrett's kids. Really? Are no boundaries at all any more? And what would the purpose be, of going after someone's kids? Maybe we should ask Chris Coons. His answer would be, "Well, we need to walk that fine line of First Amendment and protecting a jurist's rights." But, but Senator Coons, going after someone's kids? "We need to protect the First Amendment rights of 'Ruth sent us'. That is more important than anything else."

Here is the bottom line. Chuck Schumer threatened the Republican appointed jurists shortly after they were appointed. Why? Abortion. In our topsy turvy world of right is wrong and wrong is right, many on the left now worship at the shine of Margert Sangar. We have skipped right over Sanger's position on eugenics, and are now into full out infanticide. The is the hill the left has chosen to die on. Why? Ask them.

Can we protect our jurists against the onset of today's mutts and lefties? I doubt it. Soon it will be as hard to find someone to serve on the court, as it is to find gas for $2/gal. But this is our own creation. We let the left become as lawless as it is right now. Who pays the ultimate price for this? As usual - the unborn. May God have mercy on us all.  

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