Friday, June 17, 2022

The AG, the DAs, the Judges, the Speaker, and January 6th

"What Garland is doing about the protests outside the SCOTUS justice's homes, is the same as what the Democrat DAs are doing with upholding local laws. They are refusing."

I am going to start right out by throwing a bomb. This should cause my leftie friend's hair to catch on fire. I want, no, I demand, that all citizens who have been thrown into jail due to the protests on January 6th, 2021 - be released immediately. AND - their records should be expunged from any wrongdoing. Was that clear enough? And by the way - this is no satire. I am deadly serious.

Title 18, Section 1507 of the U.S. Code, which was enacted in 1950, makes it illegal to protest outside a judge's or jurist's home. Period. Violations are punishable by a fine, up to one year in jail, or both. This has been happening on a daily basis since the now infamous "leak" about the possible overturning of Roe. Merrick Garland, the most useless tool who has ever sat in the AG position, has refused to uphold this law. Refused. If we had a normal President who was in control of his marbles, Garland would have been fired on the first day he refused.

What Garland is doing about the protests outside the SCOTUS justice's homes, is the same as what the Democrat DAs are doing with upholding local laws. They are refusing. And even if they do agree to charge some mutt with a lengthy rap sheet, some Democrat appointed judge often times will stay their sentence. Let the mutts go, so they can re-offend.

So let me get this straight. The law is the law. If the Attorney General of the United States will not uphold the law, if the District Attorneys of large cities will not uphold the law, if appointed judges will not uphold the law, why in the world do we have this faux January 6, Committee? Do we have two different sets of laws in this country? One for Democrats and the other for Republicans? If so, we do not have a country. We have only a tribal group of carnal ideologues, who are now "governing" us.

One more thing. Nancy Pelosi, wife of Paul "may I have another?" Pelosi, heads up the House of Representatives. This is the body which is suppose to create our laws. As such, I would expect them to enforce our laws as well. Ms. Nancy was asked about the protests outside the SCOTUS jurist's homes. Her answer - "Well, a woman has the right to choose. That choice should be between her significant other, her doctor, and her god." That gobblety-gook answer did not fit the question asked. But we are used to this. Abortion is the Democrat's god, and they will protect it as such.

Back to my opener. If we can't enforce some laws in this country, then we should enforce none of them. We have a sham for law enforcement right now. The FBI becoming weaponized during an election, is only one example. Our country needs an enema. We need to get rid of all the crap which is staining Lady Justice. Without that enema, the stains on her scales (for impartiality), her blindfold (for fairness in judgement), and her sword (for power) will remain. And our country will remain a broken arrow.   

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