Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Calling Dick Tracy!


"Seems like Dick Tracy had it right long before Apple did..."

It is hard to walk around these days without seeing someone with a new Fitbit or Apple Watch on their wrist. It was after all, only a matter of time before our electronics miniaturized so much we could wear it on our wrist. Both the Fitbit and the Apple Watch are going to be game changers in our technology journey. Why? Many technologist believe this is only the beginning of a huge leap in technology.
So what is up with the new Fitbit? What makes it so special? Well there are a few different kinds of this device which can monitor different things that you may or may not find important. The Surge, which is one of the more expensive ones at around $250, has a built in GPS, it continuously monitors your heart rate, and on and on. And if you are not a fitness nut (or even a fitness affictionato), what good is knowing all that information? And that is the problem as I see it.
The next generation of these fitness watches might monitor much more than your heart rate. It might also monitor your blood pressure, body mass, metabolism and so on. Or it might be able to take minute samples of blood from time to time to measure sugar, triglycerides or cholesterol. All that information could be stored for government usage in the mega storage facility at Bluffdale, Utah. Trust me, there is more than enough space out there.
For us old guys, a Fitbit might have some limitations. Why? Size. The older I get, the bigger I need things to be so I can see them. Right now, I would have to get my "cheaters" on every time I looked at my Fitbit or Apple Watch. But there is a bigger problem also. Do I really want or need to know all those metrics on my body 24X7? Sometimes ignorance can be bliss after all!
Well it as about time to go outside and cut the grass. I will put on my old fashioned watch which tells me nothing but the time. But these days are coming to an end. Technology will soon be all up in our business, no matter WHAT that business might be! 

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