Monday, June 8, 2015

The beast that should not live...


"What in the Sam Hill has happened to our statewide Party of Lincoln?"

I am a proud Conservative. I have been one for a while. Not as conservative as some, probably more so than others. I have not professed to be a Republican for some time now. True, I end up voting Republican just about every election. But Republicans have a habit of disappointing. Of dropping the ball. Of becoming Democrat light. However the biggest disappointment I have seen within Republicanism is MN GOP. And that is the nicest thing I can say without censoring myself.

Our state party has been a mess for quite a while now. Does not seem to matter who is running the show, it is embarrassing. When I was a member of the Conservative Coalition, we interviewed Mr. Downey when he was vying for the job. In the interview he said all the right things. Made all the right promises. So he got the job. The result - we have what some are calling "a hostile work environment" and a party still saddled with a huge debt.

The irony is simply this: I think our SD BPOU is run very well. Our CD6 is run very well. Our national party has been running quite a bit better under Reince Priebus. But our state party? It needs new leadership. One of the most amazing acts of selfish management has just taken place in MN GOP. First the party chair asks for and receives a huge increase in pay. And then shortly thereafter, he wants to cut the pay of the deputy chair down to zero. What the what? 

One of the reasons I believe MN GOP still has money problems is people don't want to send money to that organization. I won't. Sending them money (until they get their act together) is nothing more than burning good money after bad. I will give money directly to candidates I choose to support.

One minor point of disclosure. I am a friend of the Deputy Chair. He is a good man. However, even if I did not know and like him, I would still stand against what the Chairman has done. It is just plain wrong. We either fix this beast, or let it die. Right now it is doing very little good for or to anyone.

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