Monday, November 6, 2017

A tender- box ready to explode

"Stay tuned in, stay bunkered up, stay alert. Things might be going from warm to hot. Trump is trying like crazy to get our armed forces up to speed up to date after the Obama years."

Ready for this boys and girls? We might be close to a war in the Middle-East. "So what" you might ask? This war (for a change) might not involve the USA. It might be the first war in the Middle East since 1980 (which resulted in a bloody eight year war) which did not involve us. No worries however - that was the first time Saddam used an illegal and immoral chemical agent against an enemy. The next time he used it was against his own people.

The so called "proxy" war between Saudi Arabia and Iran might be ready to drop the word "proxy". The war in Yemen has grown to where more countries nearby are taking sides. But the missile which was aimed at Riyadh might have been the last straw. That really was an act of war. Wait a minute! You mean it was like the Norks shooting a missile over Japan? Yes. Only worse.

So what is the issue? Seems like Lebanon is the culprit for launching he missile towards Saudi. That is, with a little help from Iran. What if Saudi went after Iran "hammer and tong", knowing this is the brief period of time before Iran has nukes. Okay - just an aside for a minute. I know our former President said this new agreement would keep the Iranians from ever getting nukes. It was fashioned like the same one we did with the Norks in the 1990's. How did that work? Just ask the Japanese.

Will this be a good thing or a bad thing if the Saudis and Iranians duke it out? My feeling? If push comes to shove, the Saudis might end up with some strange bedfellows as allies. Who, us? Probably not - unless the landscape changed in a big hurry. The Israelis. They have been chomping at the bit to take care of this festering wound for years. Taking care of things pre-nuke, is a whole lot easier than taking care of it post-nuke.

If we get through 2018 without some kind of big conflict in either North Korea or Iran, it will come close to being a miracle. The ingredients are all there, and all that is needed is a match to set the whole thing on fire.

Some have asked me what I think is going to happen. Stay tuned in, stay bunkered up, stay alert. Things might be going from warm to hot. Trump is trying like crazy to get our armed forces up to speed up to date after the Obama years. And don't think that Russia and China are only going to sit on the sidelines. With the blessings and help of God we can celebrate the new year of 2019. If we can't the world will be in deep do-do.


  1. The pot is simmering, but will not come to a boil!
    Armed Forces increases take decades, not one ineffectual term.
    Besides, we only need drones now, not boots on the ground to come home in body bags to families that don't understand the need to die for issues/causes that are unclear.
    Your desire to wage war on the bad guys makes no sense and scares people like me.
    Their own people will take care of themselves, like Saudi Arabia did with the princes that were siphoning money off to their own off-shore accounts.
    Breathe easy, cooler times are ahead.
    David Gjerdingen

  2. The Texas Baptist Church shooter was not affiliated with ISIS. We grow our own terrorists and with easy access to guns, these things will occur more often as the country turns inevitably into the land of haves and have nots.
