Friday, June 1, 2018

Worse than crack...

"But who cares? According to the statists, since a big chunk is going to come from the feds, it is "free money"! What does the Bird say? November can't come soon enough. Governor Johnson will bring the Met Council's reign of terror to an end shortly after being sworn in." 

I think this rag-tag group called the Met Council all needs to check into a rehab center. Why? They have a serious addiction problem. To which drug is that? No drug - worse. They have an addiction to trains. In particular, the train which very few will ride, yet will cost us a king's ransom. The train which still has one foot stuck in the tar of legal issues. The train which has been getting all the press for the past few years. The Southwest Light Rail (SWLRT). Or as the conservatives say - the train from hell.

Hey - what is there not to love? It is cheap at half the price (NOT)! The best part is this - the "projected" price keeps going up. And as we know, the real price at the end of a government project always seems to be less than the "projected" price (NOT)!

Here is the interesting part. Even though the viability of this line is indefensible at best, the highly addicted members of the Met Council, along with their Goofy leader, continue to fight tooth and nail to get this thing built. Why? Social engineering, pure and simple. Anything to get the unwashed masses out of their carbon belching autos. Never mind in less than 10 years, the world of transportation will change completely. To more I read about the coming driver-less, electric cars revolution, the more I understand it is going to be a TOTAL game changer for everyone.

Then where pray tell, will that change leave our fixed route, fixed schedule, choo-choo trains? Sitting idle on the tracks. Relics of the past. Monuments to the short sighted thinking of a group of unelected statists who don't give a tinker's dam about the costs or inconveniences they will visit upon our citizenry. 

This price tag today for the SWLRT? Just north of $2,000,000,000. Yes, that is a whole bunch of zeroes. A good use of the money? I don't know - Goofy was bellyaching at the end of this session about not having enough of money for some of his pet rocks. Two billion dollars is a whole lot of cheddar. 

But who cares? According to the statists, since a big chunk of this money is going to come from the feds, it is "free money"! What does the Bird say? November can't come soon enough. Governor Johnson will bring the Met Council's reign of terror to an end shortly after being sworn in. 

But what if Jeff Johnson loses the primary, and we end up with Governor Walz instead? We will have so many new, unneeded, and unused LRT lines criss crossing the metro area, our metro area will look like a spider web. And we will be broke from building them. Then it will really suck being us.

1 comment:

  1. A little grocery-bag math says that, for the price of the Green Line, we could give every potential rider a new car, and put gas in it for life! Or, to be environmentally conscious, run a fleet of hybrid busses up and down that line, 4 minutes apart, for the next 700 years! It's just folly beyond imagining.
