Sunday, October 11, 2020

A shocking endorsement!

Here is a fact. Nobody with more than 5% of a brain, believes ANY of the media is unbiased today. And the Strib is now, and always has been, one of the worst.

This morning, I about fell out of my chair! As I was looking at some of the online news, the local fish wrap newspaper popped up. Even though the election is still three weeks away, the Strib editorial board has made its pick. And I was shocked! I mean, this paper is the same one which endorsed our current Governor, because they said he would be so good for Minnesota. And we all know how that worked out. And in 2016, it endorsed Hillary, because she would be good for America. Like she was good for the health and well being of Ambassador Stevens. Yes, this morning the Strib endorsed Slo Joe Biden.

I did not read the article. I did not have to. I can almost imagine what it said. The title was something like Biden would "Ignite and reunite America". Huh? Like when he and his wingman Obama divided us like the San Andreas Fault? Tell me Joe, what has changed since the last time you were part of the administration? I mean, besides the fact you have gotten goofier, more touchier to the ladies, and a heck of a lot more confused.

Here is a fact. Nobody with more than 5% of a brain, believes ANY of the media is unbiased today. And the Strib is now, and always has been, one of the worst. I would say it is run by a bunch of Commies, but that is an insult to Communists. The editorial board at this paper is way, way beyond what you have in Pravda. They have hated Donald Trump ever since he announced. And - when he started to dissect the Deep State and drain the swamp, then he became more than hated and loathed. He was an iconoclast, a bull in the China shop, one who was turning over the tables in the temple. In short, he was fixing what had been broken for a long, long time.

What will a Biden Administration do then? Nothing. Nothing except more of the same crap he did when he was hooked up with Obama. More taxes, more regulations, more abortions, more illegal immigration, more lawyers, more judges and justices on our courts, and on and on. All the good that Donald Trump has worked so hard to obtain, will be wiped out in a heartbeat. And then when the Article 25 thing which Ms. Nancy is working on kicks in, we will have President Harris, with a selected Vice President like AOC. 

One more endorsement which is equally as shocking. Gretta, who is not even from here, is also endorsing Slo Joe. Why? HOW DARE SHE NOT! Joe will fix the climate by putting us back in the stone age. What the pandemic could not do, Biden's economic plan will finish.

There you have it. Another fine piece of editorial nonsense from the Strib. The best thing about this hometown newspaper, is their editorial opinions start on the front page, and continue on from there. And that is why, so many citizens and patriots HATE that poor excuse for a newspaper. Glenn Taylor should be ashamed. 

1 comment:

  1. I just cancelled my subscription to the Sunday paper. Cancelled the daily many years ago, as a health measure for my blood pressure.
