Saturday, October 17, 2020

Godly issues, Godly candidates

"I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but found none."

Ezekiel, 22:30

I had this one all written yesterday, and then deleted it. I did not feel it was passionate enough. Not strong enough. So, I chatted with a friend of mine yesterday (very smart politically, and a rock hard Christian), and discussed the following premise. Should people of God be concerned about Godly issues when they vote? And as such, should they want to vote for Godly candidates who are concerned about Godly issues? I think yes. My friend also thought yes. In fact, we agreed if all the people in this country, who profess to be people of God, voted that way, the President, as well as many other candidates on the religious right, would win in a landslide.

Think of this. In 2016, Hillary Clinton received about 65,000,000 votes (but did not win the electoral count). If in 2020, if every Catholic (who are taught to abhor abortion), voted for Donald Trump, he would win. Why? There are almost 80,000,000 Catholics in the United States.

Now we will go one step further. If every person who calls themselves a follower of Christ voted AGAINST abortion (that would be against the Democrats, who support abortion), this nation would see the biggest landslide victory - ever. Why? There are 205,000,000 Christians in the United States.

In the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel, (22:30), is one of the more frequently used verses. It contains a lot of wisdom, and should be used as a guiding light for us all.

 "I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but found none."

I believe right now, our country is at a tipping point. We have been richly blessed by God for almost 250 years. Our country was founded on Godly principals by Godly people. However, as of late, many seem willing to forget our Creator, and worship the created. Worship self. Kill our unborn with not only great abandon, but sometimes pride. 

This election, as in any election, it is incumbent upon people of God to vote for Godly candidates. Candidates who will practice the basic tenets of the Holy Bible. One of the first questions I ask a candidate (if I don't know much about him or her), is abortion acceptable. If I get an answer even remotely similar to "right to choose", I bid that person a good day. But before that person leaves, I would explain that to me, as a follower, abortion is evil. Period. 

One of my friends who lives on the left always reminds me that Republicans may protect the unborn, but then once a person is born, they don't care for them anymore. Republicans are not "their brother's keepers", whereas Democrats are. To that I say BUNK. That is not true. What is true, is that Republicans don't believe in wasteful government spending. What is true, is that Republicans don't believe in "free riders", when a person is able to produce. But when it comes to charity for the least of us, most Republicans are very generous givers. They just don't broadcast it.

Standing in the gap. I will. I will join those who vote for Godly people that have Godly values to serve this great country. To keep this country Godly. But the gap is big and growing. We need people of God to step into the gap with us. Then when God looks in the gap, instead of "seeing none", let's hope the Good Lord sees many.  

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