Friday, October 23, 2020

Last night, and the debate

"We have not gone off the edge of the cliff as yet, but we can see it from here. All we can do is vote and pray."

By everyone's estimation, last night was the best of the two debates. It was not perfect by a long shot, but the President did much better last night than in the cage match which happened under Chris Wallace. The mute button was for the most part - unused. The President followed the advice of his team, and let Slo Joe ramble on. But even though Trump did not interrupt Slo Joe, he still baited him. And it worked on one very important issue. 

One topic which I have addressed for a long time is renewable energy. Wind is worthless, and always will be. Solar has a future, and a good one. But it is not ready for prime time as yet. This is exactly the way the President feels, and he said so last night. That however, did not matter to Slo Joe. Joe said last night, in front of millions who were watching - he is going to get rid of oil. That statement dropped the mic.

Most normal people agree that by the end of this century, oil will have run its course. Sure, there will still be some reserves, and maybe oil will still be used in some manufacturing. But the newer energy sources will be in full use. Energy sources which are not even invented as yet. But that is then, and this is now.

It took a while to get to be energy independent. But we are here, and it is nice not being beholden on any other country for our energy. But that does not matter to the climate crazies. They want us back in the stone ages - NOW. Democrats have zero understanding of how our economy works. From how Slo Joe would handle the virus (Shut it all down!), to "man-made global warming", Democrats don't understand you can't stop the engine of our economy without going off the cliff.

Many times last night, the President called Biden a "professional politician". And he is. His views on everything, including energy, change depending on the audience. The President kept asking Slo Joe, every time Slo Joe said something was screwed up under Trump, "Why didn't you fix this when you and Obama were in charge?" The answer? Crickets. 

Just a reminder from four years ago. Right after the surprise win of Donald Trump, the stock market started taking off like a Saturn V rocket. Even before Trump had done one thing. Should people in the country be foolish enough to vote in an idiot like Biden, look for the reverse to happen, started on November 4th. All the gains which were made under Trump, will be gone with the wind. Even the WSJ published an article recently stating that the elimination of the "rich only" tax increase, was going to cost the average family over $6,000 a year by 2030. Biden will also pack the courts, open the borders, and regulate small businesses out of existence. Welcome to Obama/Biden 2.0.

If you cherish a robust economy, you must vote for Donald Trump. If you cherish your gun rights, you must vote for Donald Trump. If you cherish and value the unborn, you must vote for Donald Trump. If you want to see this country stay a Constitutional Republic, you must vote for Donald Trump. If you want socialism, we are dangerously close right now.

We have not gone off the edge of the cliff as yet, but we can see it from here. All we can do is vote and pray.



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