Friday, October 16, 2020

Biden "code speak" ?

"The way our media (or what was once known as media), has sided 100% percent of the time with the Democrats, is like a dystopian novel written by George Orwell."

I watched a little bit of the dueling town halls last night. What a joke! For those too young to remember, George Snuffleupagus was a part of Clinton's "War Room" during the Clinton Administration. He is a Democrat hack. Has been his entire life. The questions for Biden were so easy, so softball, I thought George might offer to give him a massage to relax him further. 

Then switching over to NBC was like a repeat of watching Chris Wallace grill the President during the last debate. Savannah Guthrie from MSNBC fame as well as NBC, is not now, nor never has been, a fan of any Republican. So unlike the silky smooth treatment that ABC was giving Biden, Guthrie took this opportunity to debate the President. No - wait! This was suppose to be a town hall! Yes it was. But instead of being a moderator, Guthrie instead chose to be a participant. 

On NBC, Guthrie was pounding the President on his tax returns (boring). On ABC, George was pounding Biden about his son, Hunter. Really? No - just kidding. Nary a peep about Hunter. Do you think if the shoe was on the other foot, and there were serious allegations about Don Jr., that Guthrie would have let that slide? Not in a million years.

However, there was nugget which came out of the ABC town hall. Court packing. I think Biden tipped his hand with some "code speak". When pressed about court packing, Biden again side stepped the question. "I will give an answer before people vote", Biden said (again). Hey Joe! In some states, 20% of the people have already voted early! Biden went on to say (my paraphrase), "We will see how this thing plays out before I make a decision." Plays out"? What plays out? Simple answer = if Amy Coney Barrett gets confirmed by the Republican led Senate, and then becomes the 9th Justice.

Here is what will happen if Biden gets elected. Before Harris and Pelosi deep six him using the 25th Amendment, Biden will 1) raise everyone's taxes, 2) increase the number of Supreme Court Justices to 15, 3) open our borders, 4) highly regulate US businesses (again), 5) expand ObamaCare, 6) send Minnesota $500,000,000 to pay for Democrat caused damages during the Floyd riots. Plus - you will never hear a peep again about how a corrupt and damaged Hunter Biden became enriched during the "pay for play" days of Obama/Biden. 

Final thought. The way our media (or what was once known as media), has sided 100% percent of the time with the Democrats, is like a dystopian novel written by George Orwell. This should not be real life - if should be fiction. But it is not. If Trump wins re-election, expect more of the same out of the media - maybe worse. If Biden should win, the media will instantly transform from pit bulls, to puppy dogs. #FACT.    

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