Tuesday, October 6, 2020

A weaponized virus?

"How shallow is our thinking on this matter? Listen to the Presidential debates. Uncle Joe nitwit is trying to blame all 200,000 Covid deaths on President Trump - for not being prepared." 

Something has been bothering me as of late. As most know, no country has been hit worse by Covid - 19, than ours. For weeks upon weeks, NYC was the epicenter, the hot spot of the world. What I find interesting, is the first Covid - 19 case did not hit NYC until this past March. One would or could speculate, that since it started in Wuhan, China, months before NYC, and since Wuhan has a dense population like NYC has, the numbers in Wuhan should be worse than awful. But if China's numbers are true (and that is a big if), Wuhan just took a light dusting, while NYC has over a quarter million cases. 

And it is not just China. The same holds true for other densely populated areas in the western Pacific. And that has been bothering me for a while now. Why is it, in Asian countries where the virus has existed longer, are their numbers so much better than many Caucasian countries? Is it in the DNA of the Asian people to be more tolerant of this virus? Is it in their diet? Or is it something much more nefarious? Like, could the Chinese have somehow weaponized this virus to be more deadly to Caucasians than Asians?

I know. I know. This sure sounds like a whopper. Another conspiracy theory. But when you look at the stats of some of the most densely populated places in the world, and compare it to our country, the differences are jaw dropping. Like, the total number of cases in Tokyo, Soule, Hong Kong, and Singapore (with a combined population of 37,000,000) is about 80,000 less than NYC with a population of 8,300,000. I know there is a reason "why" somewhere in here, but there sure seems to be a lack of urgency to find out what it is.

How shallow is our thinking on this matter? Listen to the Presidential debates. Uncle Joe nitwit is trying to blame all 200,000 Covid deaths on President Trump - for not being prepared. Yes, this is the same nitwit who called the President a xenophobe for cutting off China from air travel to our nation back in January. But wait - what about the real reason for our abysmal numbers? Why is not the CDC looking into that? Like I said, there is an answer somewhere. The fact we have 200,000 deaths, and the four cities I mentioned in the western Pacific have a total of 2,000, does not mass muster. Not even close.

I know, some will say we are not using the same yardstick to measure fatalities other countries are using. Okay, I agree many of the 200,000 are conflated with other diseases. Many are really be comorbidity related. But if our numbers are that tainted, we should not be using them anymore. For the casual observer, using tainted numbers would make our country appear to be way out of control, while other countries seem to have this under control. 

In any event, that is my rant for the day. For this country, to have the best healthcare in the world, and still to have numbers like we have, needs to be looked at with a different lens. Why? The lens we are currently using might be way out of focus. We owe it to ourselves to come up with a better answer. Even if it points the finger of blame right back to the CCP.



1 comment:

  1. Looks like the virus has changed its coat again--into a pretty blue version with purple spikes!
