Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Do the crime, never do the time...

"This is why so many people have decided if Biden wins the election, they are simply going to 'check out'."

I am going to give a rare shout out to the Democrats and socialists. Because of your hate mongering for our President, and the continual slop and crap you have thrown at him on a daily basis, you have obfuscated justice. What should have been a non-stop perp walk under the Trump DOJ, has not even turned into a slap on the wrist. If for some reason, the minions vote in Biden instead of giving the President a second term, many of the guilty will simply walk free.

For those of us who are law and order types, this is totally unsat. It really is. It violates all the tenets of justice as well as fairness. All the crapola which went on under the Obama Administration, the sullied and despicable nature of the Clintons, and of course, the Deep State - will all get swept under the rug if we have a President Biden and/or Harris. We will go back to a two tiered system of justice (or lack thereof). 

Even locally, the ballot harvesting which was exposed recently by Project Veritas, seems to be slipping quietly into the night. Many of the hoodlums which were arrested for looting and burning in many of the large cities, have been released with no charges. And who released them with no charges? Very liberal and/or socialists DAs. Sick of this yet? I sure am. And there is no end in sight for these acts of injustice. 

I know the President has been very frustrated with AG Barr. So have many of the rest of us. We really thought after the Mueller fiasco was over, the DOJ IG report would have named names. But it has not. All the wrong doing in the past four or five years, as well as the wrong doing under Obama, is giving the middle finger to justice. "Screw you! Catch me it you can!" It is beyond frustrating - it is infuriating. 

This is why so many people have decided if Biden wins the election, they are simply going to "check out". Instead of screaming at the sky, yelling obscenities, or crying like the lefties did when Trump won in 2016, many of the citizens and patriots will simply not recognize a President Biden and Vice President Harris as being legitimate. They will not recognize our government as being socialist. And they certainly will not recognize a return to a two tiered system of justice.

"Do the crime, never do the time." I hate that. I hate we have that in our country right now. We need four more years of Donald Trump to start fixing this. If not, this party might be over.     

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