Monday, October 19, 2020

A "tossed" word salad


"A vote for Biden, is a vote against restoring our country. A vote for Trump is for restoration of our true republic. Draining the swamp, exposing the Deep State. And one more thing, which I will just leave hanging - Hunter Biden's hard drive." 

OMG! You have got to me kidding me! Joe Biden? Leading in the "polls"? News flash - this man is an idiot. He is a confused old man. What can he do? What he always has done. Talk, talk, talk and promise, promise, promise. But as of late, his talking has become much more mumble, jumbo. Word salad. Half truths, un-truths, and some straight up BS.

Ladies and gentlemen - I know some don't like the Presidents mannerisms. Don't like the way he talks. The way he tweets. And yes, he talks quite a bit also. And embellishes. And sometimes just is a BS fountain, But his actions speak far louder than his words. Whereas Joe Biden has never keep the promises he has made, Donald Trump has. 

Yesterday, Biden was on a talk show. He bragged about being endorsed by the Boilermaker Union of PA. That is cool, except for one minor detail. The Boilermaker Union of PA endorsed Donald Trump. He also recently disclosed he grew up in Section 8 housing. Again, that is cool, except for one thing. Section 8 housing started in the 1970's long after Joe had grown up. I suppose the next thing Joe will tell us, was that he fought in Viet Nam. You know, like Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) - who never did.

Now that BIG TECH is on the side of Biden and out of the closet, it has become easier to see how the deck is stacked against our President. And the narrative is the same as it has been for decades. Funny, I was watching an older movie which had been made for TV in the 1980's. It was great, as it still contained the commercials from that era. Whoppers for $1.99, and so forth. But the movie must have been made around election time, as it had an ad for some Democrat running for Congress. The ad warned, if we don't elect so and so, the Republicans in the House (under Speaker Gingrich) will give tax breaks to the rich and steal Social Security from the seniors. Democrat scare tactics. Used in the 1980's, still used in 2020.

Folks, this is "no s**t for real", as we would say in the Navy. Do you really want our leadership to have the succession of Biden, Harris, Pelosi? I mean, that is scarier than Halloween. A much better succession plan would be Trump, Pence, and Speaker Kevin McCarthy. 

Donald Trump has been fixing what is broken in this country. Through the strongest headwinds any President has ever experienced, Trump has succeeded. Biden will undo all the good and replace it with a deeper swamp and a much deeper state. We cannot have the village idiot as a President. We need someone who can put together a simple sentence, and not tell the minions he knew and played gold with Abe Lincoln. 

A vote for Biden, is a vote against restoring our country. A vote for Trump is for restoration of our true republic. Draining the swamp, exposing the Deep State. And one more thing, which I will just leave hanging - Hunter Biden's hard drive. 

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