Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Cubans! Go Home! Not wanted here!

"Freedom lovers of Cuba and Haiti - the citizens and patriots who live in this country have your backs. We are with you. The socialists who live here however, can't stand you. To them, you are persona non grata. That is, unless you promise to vote blue."  

You have to love our little bald headed Cuban, who is in charge of DHS. Alejandro Mayorkas is a real piece of work, this one is. This little runt, who himself immigrated from Cuba, has told the poor people of Cuba, a freedom loving people, not to come here by boat. Uh, hello? Does the bald headed Cuban not know that Cuba is an island? That people in Cuba cannot come here by bus or train (like the immigrants from Central America and Mexico are doing)? Why in the world would Mayorkas favor every Tom, Dick, and Harry from Mexico and Central America, and not folks from his place of birth? You know the answer, and so do I. 

The current Administration does not want any more Cubans in our national fabric. They are toxic. Toxic? How? They know the evils of socialism, communism, and Marxism - and they hate it. Their viewpoints, will not fit in our our new Democrat narrative. That socialism is good. What is the expression they use? "When we all do better, we all do better." If that is not a pile of mush and goo, I don't know what is.

But newly arriving Cubans do something else much more harmful than hating Marxism. It is the way they vote. Democrats like monolithic voting blocks. They have nurtured the black vote for decades, by lying to them. And it has worked. The newly arriving immigrants from Central America and Mexico - they are almost the same way. The vast majority of them are loyal blue voters. But Cubans? Gasp! Voting red? Sorry, no room at the inn for you guys.

One of the things that Democrats have become very good at over the years, is weaponizing government. Case in point, our southern border. We let ANYONE over the border these days. Have Covid? No problem. Here is your court date for citizenship. You are now free to roam about the country, infecting whomever you wish. Oh, you have a long criminal record? No problem. We have some very nice sanctuary cities for you to live in. So long as you vote blue, the world is your oyster. Vote red? Your outta here!

BTW - Mayorkas also told the Haitians to stay away. Why? Maybe for the same reason. Is it that Mayorkas just does not like boats, nor the people who ride in them? Or maybe it is their voting preferences. Like I said, nobody can weaponize government better than the Democrats can. And lie. Don't forget the lying. Like what Biden is doing right now with "voter suppression" legislation in the states. But that is a topic for another day. 

Freedom lovers of Cuba and Haiti - the citizens and patriots who live in this country have your backs. We are with you. The socialists who live here however, can't stand you. To them, you are persona non grata. That is, unless you promise to vote blue.  

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