Sunday, July 4, 2021

You're a grand old flag!

You're a grand old flag

You're a high flying flag

And forever in peace may you wave

You're the emblem of

The land I love

The home of the free and the brave

Ev'ry heart beats true

For the red, white and blue

Where there is never a boast nor brag

But should old acquaintance be forgot

Keep your eye on the grand old flag 

It is the Fourth of July! Our Independence Day! The day once a year, this nation dresses in its finest colors- that being red, white and blue. This is the day which spells Americana from dawn till dark. It is our collective birthday. A day of picnics, parties, beaches, yard games, family, friends, and fireworks. It is a day, what a day, to just relax, party and enjoy.

When I was stationed in Pensacola while attending "A" School, our class would gather one night every week at Shakey's Pizza. Why? For pizza, cheap 3.2 beer, and sing along time. Pensacola, being a Navy town, had a strong sense of patriotism. As such, the songs sung were mostly patriotic. By far and away, the crowd favorite (least wise it was with my class), was You're a Grand Old Flag". We requested it numerous times each visit. We could not get enough of that famous song, about our country, and our flag.

Class started the first week in August 1969 (hurricane season), so I missed the Fourth of July down there. I can only imagine how rocking that Shakey's would have been on Independence Day! I was just blessed to be down there during that point in time. It is something I will always remember.

What do I think about this day? Love. Remembrance. Loyalty. Patriotism. Pride. This country, this great American Experiment, is truly exceptional. Sure we have some warts and bruises we picked up along the way, but collectively, we are only human. All in all however, Americans are pretty good bunch of folks.

I will close with this article, again with some words from that favorite song - You're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave - Ev'ry heart beats true under red, white, and blue... Amen to that!

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