Monday, July 26, 2021

The Delta Debacle

"I hate this virus. I hate the fact the CCP of China pulled a fast one on us. On the rest of the world. The release of this virus by the Chinese, was the largest act of terrorism I have seen in my lifetime."

This summer, which was going to be the best summer ever (since last summer was one of the worst ever), seems to have a couple turds in the punchbowl. Turd one - the weather. As one local weather guy states, "We have had some stupidly hot days this year." Yes, we have. And then throw a drought into the mix, and you have this once hopeful and wonderful summer, sinking into the land of suck. 

Turd two is the Delta Variant to Covid - 19. This is a nasty little bugger, which is far more transmissible than it's cousin, the original Covid - 19. This variant, has the opportunity to be a real buzz kill for people yearning for our old "normal", once again. Why do I say that? With the number of people vaccinated remaining constant at just over 50% of the population, Fauci and his followers, are blaming the unvaccinated for fueling the growth of Delta. So much so, Fauci and the CDC might be dragging us back to the "mask up and shut up" days.

Those who took the chance on this new vaccine, and got the shot, are going to be dragged back into the "masked up" days of last summer. Keeping in mind that cloth masks we were mandated to wear inside, DID NOTHING to protect one from this virus. Nothing. All masks do is prevent someone who carries a viral load of Covid, from spreading it easier while talking, coughing or sneezing. But even with that cloth mask, this virus will still, make it through the cloth masks, and out in the open. Only the N95 or N100 masks are safe for the wearers of those masks. 

If not for variants such as Delta, Covid would have been on the path to becoming insignificant. As one doctor stated, Covid - 19 will be around every virus season, just like the common cold is. But as a nation, we will have developed enough herd immunity, it would act more like a cold, than a killer. Delta however, seems to be slowing that migration down. Over 85% of new (Covid related) admissions to hospitals, are from Delta.

My position on vaccinations has not changed. I would like the FDA to put final approval on this type of vaccine (mRNA) in hyperdrive, so more people could feel more at ease in getting the shot. I fully understand why 30% of our population are reticent to get vaccinated. It is a risk to some degree. That being said, it is a personal decision to get vaccinated or not.

On the other hand, I have a hard time believing every doctor in the nation is a part of this "cabal" to spread disinformation about the shot. I have checked with my primary care physician (twice), my eye doctor, my skin doctor, and my surgeon. All have said the same thing the doctors on TV are saying. Get the shot. It will protect you. Even though the vaccine is not yet fully approved by the FDA, the vast majority of doctors in this country are telling us that getting the shot is worth the risk.

I hate this virus. I hate the fact the CCP of China pulled a fast one on us. On the rest of the world. The release of this virus by the Chinese, was the largest act of terrorism I have seen in my lifetime. And what are the ramifications to China for doing so? Ask Slo Joe. He and Hunter seem to have the best relationship with the Chinese. Trump on the other hand, would have been looking for some pay back from the CCP.

1 comment:

  1. And then there's the alleged Lambda variant coming along behind Delta. Maybe there'll even be enough new spinoffs for the FedGov to menace the people with another every few months. Wouldn't that be fun?
