Saturday, July 17, 2021

The great Biden land grab

"One of my friends told me I bitch about Biden too much. Okay, I will stop. I will stop when Biden stops doing stupid or un-American things. Until he does that however, Biden shows up very bright on my radar." 

Ever travel out west by car? Besides the gorgeous scenery, the miles and miles of "not too much civilization", is mesmerizing. Years ago, when I was still working, a friend of mine who worked at Lockheed Martin in Baltimore, was invited to a customer review at our plant located in Aberdeen South Dakota. Before the customer review started, he called me up and asked me when he landed in Minneapolis, if he and I could drive Aberdeen. I told him we sure could, but then I asked him why he wanted to drive. "Because Minnesota and South Dakota are a great place to see Americana. Wide open country. And I love it." So drive it we did, and had a ball doing so.

Why tell that story? When ever you take a drive out in the country for an extended period of time, you will probably see a mixture of private land and public land. Some land owned by ranchers and farmers, and some land under the control of the government. In fact, a full 12% of all our land is owned and controlled by the government. 12%! That is a lot of land! Over 10% of the country.

Here is something that not too many people know. When Slo Joe took office, he was alarmed that only 12% of our country was controlled by the government. He would fix that right quick! So, he signed an executive order raising the percentage to be owned by the government. Instead of 12%, Biden now wants 30% of all land owned by the government by 2030. He called it his "30 by 30 plan". That is almost a third of the country! He said it needs to be controlled by the government to help control climate change. Huh? What he really wants is less grazing land for cattle. Less cattle, less cow farts. Give me a flipping break!

How much extra land would that be, if we went from 12% to 30%? Not much, only the size of Texas! Is this Biden guy totally off his rocker? If we wanted the government to control all of the land, we would move to Red China. But this is the United States of America. Land of the free. Could someone please remind Slo Joe where he lives?

One of my friends told me I bitch about Biden way too much. Okay, I will stop. I will stop when Biden stops doing stupid, or un-American things. Until he does that, Biden shows up very bright on my radar. I will track him and expose him, every chance I get. By the way, not to change the subject, keep watching Arizona. Things might soon start to get very interesting. That is all.


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