Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Fauci conundrum

"Time for someone who can tell every side of the story with veracity. Time for someone who has no ties to Wuhan or the WHO. Time to re-establish trust." 

With all the viruses which have been visited upon our land, I can't think of one which has us tied up in knots more than this one. Even though the nation has developed some herd immunity to date (due to an almost 50% vaccination rate as well as natural immunity), it still has us over a barrel. And somehow, Covid - 19 has turned political. Of course, what isn't political these days?

Dr. Anthony Fauci. An 80 year old physician. A person who should have such gravitas, that EVERYONE, red, blue or purple, should listen to, and follow his advice. But here is the rub. Sometimes the good doctor, on purpose or otherwise, appears to be at variance with the truth. Even though Senator Paul has accused Dr. Fauci of lying, maybe Fauci is just not telling everything he knows. Or making up stuff about things he does not know. That being said, there is one thing he is really dirty on. And no, I am not talking about the Wuhan Lab. That issue is for another day.

It is no secret that the current surge of immigrants coming over the southern border, comes with a fair amount of infected people. Using the language from the other side, it is a "super spreader" event. How alarmed are we about this menace? Nada. Zip. How alarmed should we be? Bigly. The administration is just packing them up on buses, infection and all, and shipping them all over the country. What does Dr. Fauci have to say about this travesty? Again, nada. Zip. And that is the problem.

Right now, the current administration has us believing that being unvaccinated, is next to treason. Many think we are inches away from a new mask update, thanks to some panic merchants in high places. Some companies are making being vaccinated a condition of continued employment. And yet, the administration has a blind eye and deaf ear on the infected people coming over the southern border. Huh?

With all this buzz going on, here would have been a perfect opportunity for Fauci to go public, and implore the administration to stop this surge of illegals. That it is dangerous to the public - it is a public health menace. The CDC should do the same. But Fauci has not done that. Why? As the highest paid person in government, he does not want to lose his gig.

One more thing that Fauci is silent on. The Israelis are very close in determining that people who have had Covid - 19, have antibodies so strong, they might be more immune to Covid than people who have had the shot. They have not officially said that as yet. However, there appears to be much truth with the immunity of folks who are recovered from Covid. Fauci should be addressing this issue as strongly as having people vaccinated. So far, natural immunity has been given a distant back seat to vaccinations. 

Going forward, here is what Dr. Fauci should be telling the public. Covid - 19 will be around for years to come. Due to growing herd immunity in the American public, each year it will become less lethal. Soon, it will be like the common flu. Like the common flu, people may either get an annual shot, or not. In other words, it is time to shut the book on this chapter.

Delta, Lambda, or whatever variant will continue to be around. People can take responsibility for their own health by either getting the most current vaccination, seeking the proper therapeutics if infected, plus ensuring one's immunity is strong by taking the proper supplements. In other words - common sense. Treating people like adults, and not children.

Love him or not, it might be time for Dr. Fauci to trade in his medical bag for a golf bag. 80 years old is way old enough to retire. Time for some fresh blood in that position. Time for someone who can tell every side of the story with veracity. Time for someone who has no ties to Wuhan or the WHO. Time to re-establish trust. That is all the people want. Just some plain talk and trust.   

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