Saturday, November 27, 2021

Et tu Mu? And now Omicron too?

"Hang on tight folks. We are (once again), in uncharted waters. Will this be the long feared Captain Tripps variant? Another Delta variant? The Grinch who will steal yet another Christmas from us? Or just a nothing burger? Stay tuned. We are all learning together."

Maybe this Covid - 19 really is the doomsday virus after all. Why do I say that? It has a growing number of variants, and also "mutations". It seems like every time a new version of this thing comes along, the docs say it is more transmittable, and more deadly. It just seems like yesterday, the Mu variant was going to be the next big killer. It was going to eclipse the Delta variant, which as we all know by now, has turned 2021 deadlier than 2020 (for Covid -19).

This new kid on the block, this Omicron variant, really has the medical people scrambling right now. Starting out in South Africa, if not contained early, this could spread like wildfire - worldwide. So far, little is known about this strain. We do know it spreads fast, and hits young people hard. Other than that, it is a huge unknown. The fear that some in the medical community have, is this might be the virus known as Captain Tripps, from the Steven King  novel, The Stand.

There is a couple bits on irony in this new variant. The first, is the name - Omicron. Two Greek letters were skipped over. Nu, because the namers did not want Nu to be confused with "new" - as every variant is new. The other Greek letter skipped was Xi. I think most of us can figure that one out. 

The other bit of irony was when Covid first erupted on the scene. Then President Donald Trump wanted to protect our population from an outbreak of Covid happening in Africa. So he banned flights coming in from Africa. Then candidate Biden, excoriated Trump. Called him a racist, for banning brown and black people from coming here. Flash forward to today. Now President Biden has just done the same thing. Flights from eight countries from southern Africa, will be banned from coming here, starting on Monday. 

One more minor tidbit. During a Presidential debate in 2020, Joe Biden called out the number of deaths from Covid. Said they were all Trump's fault. That someone with that big of a death count (on his watch), did not deserve to be President. Flash forward to today. The death count in 2021 is higher than in 2020. Joe Biden is President. Does that mean Biden does not deserve to be President (using Biden's own words)? Just asking a friend...

Hang on tight folks. We are (once again), in uncharted waters. Will this be the long feared Captain Tripps variant? Another Delta variant? The Grinch who will steal yet another Christmas from us? Or just a nothing burger? Stay tuned. We are all learning together.


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