Monday, November 1, 2021

"Mean Tweeter" - we need you now more than ever!

"We have kids and neophytes trying to solve real adult problems. And our President is over in Europe promising everything to everyone. But at least the Pope told Slo Joe he was a 'good Catholic'. Maybe as good of a Catholic as he is a President."    

Somebody posted what life was like one year ago. The inflation (or lack thereof), the price of gasoline, the price of natural gas, the War in Afghanistan, the southern border, and so forth. Comparing our landscape from a year ago to today, is like being sucked into a wormhole and being deposited in another dimension. Nothing today, looks like it did a year ago. Absolutely nothing. 

My wife and I were watching a faith based show, when a commercial came on to promote the Abraham Accord. Many have already forgotten about this most monumental achievement. But Israel and the Middle East have not. When Trump was President, he not only got the embassy moved to Jerusalem (as had been promised for decades), but Trump and his son-in-law also brokered FOUR separate peace agreement between Israel and four different Arab countries! This was huge! History will smile upon Donald Trump, just for what he accomplished in the Israel and the Middle East alone.

If Donald Trump were still our President, he would be all over the supply chain issue. He would work it day and night until he saw some permanent relief. The price of gas might have been a bit higher due to inflation, but the supply of it would be fine. Same with natural gas. Inflation on food would have been less, as the fuel to produce our food would have cost less. We would be out of Afghanistan - really out. Our equipment, our troops, our Americans, the Afghan people who helped us. Everybody would be out.

The impending invasion of thousands of illegals would probably not be coming. Why? The illegals would not feel they had an "invitation", like they do with Biden. If there were a large caravan coming in, Trump would have had a robust level of Border Control officers ready to greet them. And not with hearts and flowers. Rather with cuffs, and zip ties. 

Our country would be much, much different if we had that old "mean tweeter", Donald Trump, back as our President right now. Can we somehow get him back? Before it is too late? Can we get a signal like they use in the Batman series? Something in the sky, which would get Trump's attention? 

BTW - ever since Slo Joe said he got the Long Beach port "fixed" by having them open 24 X 7, things have only gotten worse. More and more container ships are sitting around, eating a hotdog off that very busy SoCal coast. Plus (and this is the big problem), last weekend 2,000 calls for trucks went unanswered this weekend. 2,000! Even if a container ship gets unloaded, the cargo just sits on the dock. 

Now the Administration thinks our supply chain issue might last for another year. WHAT??? That is unacceptable! Of course, Pete Butt was on a Sunday morning show, and blamed this entire thing on the pandemic. Might as well blame climate change while he is at it. 

We have kids and neophytes trying to solve real adult problems. And our President is over in Europe promising everything to everyone. But at least the Pope told Slo Joe he was a "good Catholic". Maybe he is as good of a Catholic as he is a President.    

1 comment:

  1. 'But at least the Pope told Slo Joe he was a "good Catholic".'

    As unreliably reported by--Sloppy J himself.
