Friday, November 5, 2021

Virginia's Red Wave

"We can do better Minnesota! How much better? The template is right there in from of us. It is called Virginia. Let's be like Virginia. The recipe is there. We deserve so much better." 

Now that the dust has settled a bit, what happened in Virginia was a real show stopper for the Democrats. This was the true "red wave", which was supposed to have hit Minnesota in 2018, but never showed up. How and why this "red wave" hit Virginia and not Minnesota, speaks volumes about both states. Like, the good people of Minnesota just keep voting for bad government, year, after year, after year. Why? You tell me.

But the folks in Virginia might be a bit brighter and more astute than the folks in Minnesota. Virginia, which at one time was a red state, decided to take a walk on the wild side with the Democrats. They had Terry (Clinton's Buddy) McAuliffe for Governor. They had Ralph (Black Face) Northam for Governor. And they had a Democrat led House. That all mixed together to be a witches brew for authoritarianism. And on Tuesday, the people of Virginia said in a very loud voice, "take your tyranny, and shove it!"

I will have to admit, I am now looking at Virginia with envy and amazement. This was a total repudiation of all the crapola the Squad and their socialist buddies have been slinging as of late. Some of this slew, was just either ignored or accepted by the citizens of Virginia. But - screw with their kids education, and that was a bridge too far. Again, in Minnesota, we have allowed many of our metro schools to be turned into failure factories. We just accept it. For decades. Many worship at the feet of Education Minnesota. But in Virginia, CRT became the lightening bolt. Then, when that father's little girl was raped in a girl's bathroom by an older boy wearing a dress - the "ship hit the fan". 

It was a wholesale housecleaning in Virginia. The statists thought it would be fine to poke the Mama Bears and Pappa Bears. They will just take it. They thought wrong. Now the Republicans control the state. It is theirs to govern the right way, or the wrong way. My feeling is the people of Virginia will not tolerate any more nonsense. From now on, governance will be a one strike ballgame. If the Republicans screw this up, they won't be around for long. But if they govern the way they promise, Virginia could be red for a long, long time.

Hey Minnesota - take notice! We don't have to put up with dolts running (ruining) our state. We have a chance to elect a real Governor, not re-elect a carpet bagger from Nebraska. We have the chance to take back the Minnesota House and keep the Senate. We have the chance to have a real SOS, and not some shill from Soros incorporated. We have the chance for a real AG, and not some shady dude from Detroit. 

We can do better Minnesota! How much better? The template is right there in from of us. It is called Virginia. Let's be like Virginia. The recipe is there. We deserve so much better. 

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