Sunday, November 7, 2021

What we voted for, what we got...

"Ladies and gentlemen - is this really what you voted for? Is this what you want? Soon under the Great Reset, you will own nothing, and everyone will own everything. All controlled by a centralized government."

Here is a real "Duh" for a Sunday morning. Do you think what is being spun out of Washington right now is what most people voted for? Here is my opinion - heck no! So what did most people vote for then? Sadly, many votes were a vote against, rather than a vote for. Donald Trump so riled so many Democrats, Independents, and even squishy Republicans, they overlooked his accomplishments, and just wanted him gone. Others thought we needed a more "seasoned" politician in the White House. Who then, is the person who has served in Washington since he had zits? Uncle Joe. He would give us the gravitas back we so sorely needed. 

Most people wanted nothing to do with Bernie Sanders, the Squad, or the rest of the socialists. Clear thinking people thought this bunch were nothing but nut balls. Most would have preferred this group be kept 500 miles from the White House. Their politics were immature, expensive, and reckless. Uncle Joe on the other hand, would offer a steady hand on the rudder steering our ship of state. Boy were we wrong on that one!

What did we get? What did the voters get? And old man, who has never worked a day in his life, who hid in his basement during the campaign, and somehow has morphed into Bernie Sanders. We just passed out of the House, a billed called Infrastructure, but in reality is the New Green Deal the Squad was pushing. 

We have this crazy new scheme to get our country to be part of the Great Reset. In the on-deck circle of Congress right now, is Biden's Build, Back Better bill. What is that? In short, it is a bill to transform America from greatness to gutlessness. From an economy predicated upon "building a better mousetrap", to one where hard work is only an option. It would turn our government into a true "nanny state", where you will be coddled from cradle to grave. If this thing passes, and the country is reset, I don't know if we can ever un-screw this thing. Ever.

After the Build, Back Better bill is signed into law, will Biden then be done with wrecking our fine country? Nope. Next will come what is known as the "China Bill". Huh? On the Hill, it will be called The United States Innovation and Competition Act. It is felt that we can no longer compete with China. So, as the old saying goes - if you can't beat them - join them. This bill will further change our economy to look like the ChiCom economy. Oh, joy.

Ladies and gentlemen - is this really what you voted for? Is this what you want? Soon under the Great Reset, you will own nothing, and everyone will own everything. All controlled by a centralized government. Hmm - where have I heard of that before? Maybe Karl Marx? This country, without a shot being fired, could end up being the next Cuba or Venezuela.

What can we do? Keep writing to your Congressmen and women as well as your Senators. This Build, Back Better bill needs to die on the vine. It can never see the light of day. We can maybe survive all the fluff in the Infrastructure bill, but not one ounce of the Build, Back, Better bill. 

Next, remember that 2022 is right around the corner. WE NEED TO TAKE BACK THE HOUSE AND SENATE. In 2024, we need to take back the White House. Failure is not an option. We are on the precipice of disaster, with the Sword of Damocles hanging over our necks. This is not hyperbole - this is fact.    

1 comment:

  1. "Screw Up Bigger"--early & often!

    Unfortunately it seems some RINOs helped pass the damned bill...
